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  1. steezy.r.wi

    StinkBud Aero...NYPD Seedlings In Rockwool...Quick Questions!

    Yeah I'm feelin ya guys, the rockwool is holding in way to much water. I really don't want to damage the roots so I'll just leave them. But i got 2 jock horrors germinating right now that will go into rapid rooters or plugz, depending on what my shop has. It will be pretty cool to compare the...
  2. steezy.r.wi

    StinkBud Aero...NYPD Seedlings In Rockwool...Quick Questions!

    thanks guys, any suggestions what to plant in next time? I got neoprene collars now, i was going to plant the next seeds into those... What are your thoughts?
  3. steezy.r.wi

    HYDROTON, OR 6" Rockwool?? Which Do You Prefer?

    Thanks guys I really appreciate the help, ill probably use root plugs next time or perhaps get some neoprene collars and just plant the seeds into those. But now that I am pretty much stuck with the rockwool I'll play with the watering cycles and hope for no rot.
  4. steezy.r.wi

    HYDROTON, OR 6" Rockwool?? Which Do You Prefer?

    Can anybody who helped out Brandon tell me if its okay to put the rockwool into a net pot with hydroton on top for the life of the plant? Or should the plant be taken out of the rockwool and put into only hydroton?
  5. steezy.r.wi

    StinkBud Aero...NYPD Seedlings In Rockwool...Quick Questions!

    bump? Somebody has to have some experience with this...
  6. steezy.r.wi

    StinkBud Aero...NYPD Seedlings In Rockwool...Quick Questions!

    Whats up again guys!? I set up a stinkbud aero unit and i germinated some NYPD which are now about 2 inches tall. I got them in rockwool in the aero cups with hydroton on top. I was debating if I should seperate the seedling from the rockwool and just put the seedling into the hydroton...
  7. steezy.r.wi

    New set up, short rider auto questons

    alright cool, then once this batch finishes im gonna pick up the conversion bulb and quit the auto flowers thanks for your help again, ruiner the link helped a lot
  8. steezy.r.wi

    New set up, short rider auto questons

    alright well i found the correct bulb for a mh conversion on my hps ballast here >> and the bulb is really pretty cheap so im probably going to get it. For this batch I'm going to have all autoflowers, since thats what i...
  9. steezy.r.wi

    New set up, short rider auto questons

    so all i would need is that specific bulb? or do i need something else to convert it? And I forgot I have 5 Jock Horror auto flower seeds coming from nirvana... so for this batch would it be worth getting the bulb and still switching the bulbs when the auto flower kicks in or should i wait and...
  10. steezy.r.wi

    New set up, short rider auto questons

    Do you mean does it convert between 120v to 240v? Because it does do that. It's a Sun System 10 remote ballast if that helps.
  11. steezy.r.wi

    New set up, short rider auto questons

    hey you guys have been a lot of help but I got this friend who told me that the hps bulb was mostly for the flowering stage and you should have a mh light or one that emits more blue light for vegging... if thats the case is there 400w mh bulb that i could just screw into what i got? Also what...
  12. steezy.r.wi

    New set up, short rider auto questons

    thanks for the link, that'll pretty much answer most of my questions and if they do get really tall i will have no complaints hahaha
  13. steezy.r.wi

    New set up, short rider auto questons

    then ill leave the hps off for a week or so... how big should it grow before i take it out the cups and transplant it? And with this set up, would it be good to grow non auto flower or would i need more light for the veg stage?
  14. steezy.r.wi

    New set up, short rider auto questons

    Well im not sure but I think my last plants died because of cold it is in my basement all the time. With the hps off and just the cfls it only gets low 70's during the day, low 60's or cooler at night. Now that Im running the HPS i got the temp up and these look way healthier than the last...
  15. steezy.r.wi

    New set up, short rider auto questons

    alright thanks, when should I start using it on the cycle?
  16. steezy.r.wi

    New set up, short rider auto questons

    What's up everybody this website has been amazing for finding information to get this all set up. This is my first post on the forum but I've been reading for a couple months now. This is my first legit grow now that I have a big light and the space made to do this correctly. I got a 4x3...