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  1. B

    Thinking of trying a new AN lineup with Iguana juice in hydro.

    Hello Everyone, I just recently started thinking about trying AN again after failing the first time but I heard it was a joke for soil and that's what I was using Ocean Forest fox farm in 5 gallon pots I had 9 purple kushes and only yielded 3 1/2 ounces off a 1000 watt then I switched to hydro...
  2. B

    Thinking of trying a new AN lineup with Iguana juice in hydro.

    Hello Everyone, I just recently started thinking about trying AN again after failing the first time but I heard it was a joke for soil and that's what I was using Ocean Forest fox farm in 5 gallon pots I had 9 purple kushes and only yielded 3 1/2 ounces off a 1000 watt then I switched to hydro...
  3. B

    BlackJack Grow 1st time grower

    wow that plant looks nice im growing black jack myself but im having problmes 2 of my plants are getting yellowinsh brown leaves and i dont know why or what to do ill try to post some pics later. :wall: