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  1. V

    Club 600

    Hey guys hoping someone can help me im having a few different problems one of my soil plants has some leaves that are yellowing in between the veins that is pic one im also having an issue i grow soil & aero (self built) and my aero plants grew much faster and larger than the soil but dont...
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    Euforia 6 DIY aero 6 soil 600w HPS

    sorry i haven't updated lately i have new pics i will post later tonight i have been working alot which happens to be a commodity in the US right now but they are just beggining to smell and are about 60cm (if i did the conversion correctly) and are looking great 2 of my soil plants are starting...
  3. V

    Help getting started

    yeah man tap root down for seeds the seed shell will come off at the top of the seedling when it starts to show its first two leaves
  4. V

    Club 600

    yeah man looks like a little N drop but no big they look really good IMO hope they smoke as good as they look :) can check out my journal if it helps i have some in soil and aero
  5. V

    Euforia 6 DIY aero 6 soil 600w HPS

    Day 6 of bloom trimed up my plants yesturday had to cut a few leaves to make sure all the plants get light to the bud sites soil plants are moving along but the aero will not be stoped they are going at about 2x the rate of soil im posting from my iphone so ill put up the pics i took later tonight
  6. V

    Club 600

    Yeah thats pretty fucked up why cant people just smoke a little reefer and watch dane cook or grandmas boy i understand the idea behind a nascar crash but watching a "snuff" film takes it a little to far for me
  7. V

    Euforia 6 DIY aero 6 soil 600w HPS

    between 6-9 days to root then another 2 weeks till the largest was about 12 in. (30 cm) now am on 4th day of bloom going to spend the night out so no new pics till tomorrow
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    Euforia 6 DIY aero 6 soil 600w HPS

    yeah i was gonna tell you i almost forgot euforia seems to be really Mg hungry i had to add magic cal to my nute regiment at 10ml/gal (US) but they turned around really good i had to clip only 3 leaves out of all my plants going to drop it down to 5ml/gal now that they are well again. because...
  9. V

    400 vs 600 vs 1000 hid

    i have a small room and cannot afford to run multiple lights so i use a linear light mover with a 7 sec delay on the ends to even out the outside edge of my grow space
  10. V

    GrowBright 600 watt HPS Bulb vs Hortilux Super HPS Lamp 600 Watt

    i grow with a Hortilux Super HPS model :LU600s/HTL/EN which is 87,000 lumens not 85,000 (every bit counts) i dont know about the growbrite but i know that the Hortilux bulb cost 119.99 where i shop and was told that this is one of the best bulbs on the market if you are going to use one light...
  11. V

    Club 600

    thanks man cant wait just 8 long weeks till i can potentially be smoking the fruits of my labor ALOT of time 50+hours a week and lots of $$$ hoping my first grow is worth smoking
  12. V

    hydro vs. soil

    i am doing 6 aero 5 soil (in FF O F) if you would like i can give you details on how i built my aero chamber and nute/watering schedules heres some picks ALL plants are Euforia ALL clones at the same time 5 soil 6 aero check out my grow journal my first grow i can use all the advise i...
  13. V

    Club 600

    i seen that this was the 600 club and i figure i got a 600w HPS (w/ hortilux Super HPS bulb) so i should post my babies so this is my first grow i have 12 (er 13) euforia plants the large one was going to be my momma but because my veg room isnt finished yet i decided to bloom her and take...
  14. V

    Euforia 6 DIY aero 6 soil 600w HPS

    wow your plants look great im really glad that i found someone growing the same strain as me because it gives me a few week look into the future for what i can expect i really appreciate it kudos my friend. this is my second day of bloom i just heard my light turn off :) heres some pics taken...
  15. V

    Euforia 6 DIY aero 6 soil 600w HPS

    UPDATE: kush plant was male so i had to sneak up behind it while it was sleeping throw a garbage bag over its head drag it to the back yard and beat it with a bat until it told me where my money was.....It didn't talk.
  16. V

    2nd Grow 400 Watt SoG Magic Bud/Orange Bud

    im actually on my first grow but ph of 6.5 seems a little high maybe you should shoot for a slightly lower like 5.9-6.2 might help on nute uptake
  17. V

    Euforia 6 DIY aero 6 soil 600w HPS

    i want to start flowering in a day or so but i have a kush plant coming that i grew from a seed a friend of mine was sexing it for me so i wouldn't have to sacrifice my grow to a potential male plant he is bringing it to me today so i can check it, it has been in bloom for just over a week now...
  18. V

    Euforia 6 DIY aero 6 soil 600w HPS

    wow im really glad to find someone growing the same strain i hope we can compare notes ill post new pics often i would def. like to see how big your plants get. i was told when i got this strain that it flowers in about 7 weeks and in a SOG method should be flowered at about 12-16 inches my...
  19. V

    Euforia 6 DIY aero 6 soil 600w HPS

    if anyone has any advice please don't hesitate to post i could probably use some constructive criticism
  20. V

    Euforia 6 DIY aero 6 soil 600w HPS

    Feeding with GH 3 part micro grow and bloom using printed feeding on bottle but running aero pumps 24/7 plants seem to love it and growing much faster than the 6 soil plants that actually receive more light because they are about 7 inches higher up than the aero setup.