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  1. Thundernuts

    Is this signs of over watering/root rot?

    I'm pretty sure that she is not going to make it.Most of her leaves are dry enough to turn to dust.Mostly the one's where the buds are/were forming.Not really sure why over watering would dry her out like that though?Will give her another day or so and see how she looks,but most likely will have...
  2. Thundernuts

    Is this signs of over watering/root rot?

    I wish i could look at the roots themselves but if i take her out of her closest i will most likely fuck her up more than she already is.Plus she's in soil not hydro.There is a well at the bottom of the pot she is in that collects the run off from watering and when that is empty,i usually fill...
  3. Thundernuts

    Is this signs of over watering/root rot?

    I have a plant who just started her 4 week of flowering.Everything was going fine until 2 days ago.I noticed that her leaves have began to droop and curl a bit.At first i thought that she was thirsty so i gave her a really good watering(plain water,no nutes).She then began to lean a little.i...
  4. Thundernuts

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    The reason i asked was because i was wondering if it would grow taller because of less branches(not sure if that has anything to do with it or not?).This is my first clone,and first time trying this topping method.Not sure what to expect,so i thought i would ask.
  5. Thundernuts

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    I have a question about your topping tech.You state that the plant grew 42 inches tall(roughly).How tall would it have grown without topping it?Would it be smaller/taller?The reason i ask is because i did your topping method(on a clone) and am wondering if it will grow taller than the original...
  6. Thundernuts

    Need help big time asap!!!!!

    Here's a little update on planty.She seems to be back on course now.She just started her 8 week of flowering,and everything is going smooth(so far at least!!)A wire fell off my light causing it to go out.My buddy just rewired it and it works fine.Didn't have to go and buy another light.She only...
  7. Thundernuts

    Need help big time asap!!!!!

    Good news,i got my light fixed!Just a shitty wire,bulb still works.Back in business!!!
  8. Thundernuts

    Need help big time asap!!!!!

    I wish i could put it outside,or even move it,but she's too big to move without damaging her.I've talked to the hydro guy i bought my light from last time,and placed an order,only i have to wait until the weekend to pick it up.She doesn't look to happy about the small bulb in there right now,but...
  9. Thundernuts

    Need help big time asap!!!!!

    Thanks for the advice grizz, I was beginning to lose faith in this site.Unfortunetly i can't rotate her around.She takes up the entire closet,plus i have trusses in place to prop up some of her side branches.Could i just move the light around instead?My pot is a bottom feeder(soil),so it feeds...
  10. Thundernuts

    Need help big time asap!!!!!

    I've just had my light blow out.A wire fell off and all i heard was a pop,then darkness.Luckily,i was just in the process of putting her to bed,so the darkness isn't an issue for another 12 or so hours.She just started her 5 week of flowering today(13 weeks from seed),and won't be ready for...
  11. Thundernuts

    Thundernuts big bang

    She is now almost 13 weeks old(two days away).5 weeks into flowering.She is now 27 inches tall.Lots of new bud growth in the past 2 weeks.Still isn't that stinky,and is still dropping leaves,although not as frequent.Overall,looking pretty good.She still has another 4 weeks until harvest. Here...
  12. Thundernuts

    Thundernuts big bang

    She is now 10 weeks old.2 weeks into flowering.This past week she really filled out!Noticed that she dropped about 2 dozen inner leaves this week.Mostly small leaves.Doesn't seem to bother her though.She is now 2 ft tall.All leaves are nice and green.Smell isn't bad yet,but probably not to far...
  13. Thundernuts

    Is this normal?

    Thanks for the info.The leaves seem to have stopped falling off for now.They were mostly small little leaves from the main stalk.All the leaves that i picked off basically came off as so as i touched them.No resistance at all.
  14. Thundernuts

    Is this normal?

    I have a plant that is in it's first week of flowering.The past few days i've noticed leaves falling off,or easily picked off.They are just small little leaves located well within the base of her.98% of her leaves are nice and green,and she appears quite healthy. Does this normally happen?I...
  15. Thundernuts

    Thundernuts big bang

    Okay,so she is now 9 weeks old,and has been in flowering for 1 week now.She has grown about 5 inches in the past week and a half.21 inches tall now.Feeding her 20-30-20 mixed with epsom salts,with a ph of 6.7.Seems to be enjoying it so far.really filled out!She takes up entire area now.Don't...
  16. Thundernuts

    Low-Wattage CFL Growers!

    Hey guys,have been reading your thread and would like to join if you will have me?I am using a single 200w sunblaster cfl bulb 6400k.Have one plant under it(big bang for ghs).She started from seed,and is now 7 weeks old.Going to put her into flowering most likely next week.I don't want to be...
  17. Thundernuts

    Thundernuts big bang

    Color is beginning to come back to the leaves.Looks like the epsom salt spray did the trick.Only it left a white residue on the leaves.Have to give it a few sprays of water to try and wash off. Going to start cutting back the light tonight as well.Currently on a 24/0 cycle,but am going to give...
  18. Thundernuts

    Drooping bottom leaves with brown spots and brown tips on leaves

    Are the burnt tips curling up?If so,it my be a magnesium def.I'm having the same problem.Try spraying your plants with epsom salt.2% concentration.
  19. Thundernuts

    Thundernuts big bang

    She is now 7 weeks old.Last week she started to really fill out.Pistils are now at almost every node.Some of the tips of leaves are browning and turning up.Magnesium def.Picked up some epsom salt today and gave her a good spray at 2% concentrate.Hopefully this will correct the problem.Will also...
  20. Thundernuts

    When to start switching nutes?

    I have a 6 week old plant who began pre flower stage last week.I plan on letting it veg for roughly another 2 weeks or so.Currently i am using a 20-20-20 plant food during veg.I also have some 20-30-20 which i plan on using for flowering.Now that it is showing sex and in pre flower stage,should...