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  1. E


    sorry mate blitzed . sorted now needed a realy conductor cos was triping my timer
  2. E

    im stuck and cant chose to put my lights on in day or night cos dont wanna get busted its only...

    im stuck and cant chose to put my lights on in day or night cos dont wanna get busted its only 250 watt hps ; but is cheaper electic at night .halp
  3. E


    got a timer linkend to my lights sometims mess up the light it goes off and some time for bit it wont go back on .help
  4. E


    got a timer linkend to sometims mess up the light goes off and some time for bit it wont go back on help asas
  5. E


    fist time grow got a light balest and timer it 250hps iv noticed my light off on the off chance . help