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  1. silentstoner

    2nd Closet Ebb & flow Grow. Super Lemon Haze/Cloud #9.

    heres me just trimming them up and watering them
  2. silentstoner

    2nd Closet Ebb & flow Grow. Super Lemon Haze/Cloud #9.

    thanks man, yea the plants are doing amazing this time around. ive got my girls cloned right now and should start showing signs of roots in a couple day so ill post then
  3. silentstoner

    2nd Closet Ebb & flow Grow. Super Lemon Haze/Cloud #9.

    I'm up and rolling again. I'm updating this extremely late into the grow. I don't know how often I will update but will definitely try to post along the way. Please feel free to ask any questions and I would love feedback as mush as possible. first off here's the set up this time around...
  4. silentstoner

    First grow, 3 white widow, Soil cabinet grow.

    that scrog needs to be hella lower. like at the tops of those plants
  5. silentstoner

    Hydro Closet Grow

    next grow is officially Super Lemon Haze. and ill be start a new journal once that starts :]
  6. silentstoner

    Hydro Closet Grow

    Heres the last update on how this grow and harvest went. dried for about 8 days. cured for the past 6 days and is still in the process. ended with about 45gs give or take. and about 2 grams of bubble hash. check the pics and lemme know whatchu think. and theres also so pictures of my next set...
  7. silentstoner

    Hydro Closet Grow

    got done trimming and manicuring all 4 plants in about 6 hours. my room mate helped me for like 3 hours too. pretty good amount, but since this is my first grow i have no idea how much it will yield once its dry. anyways, here's is a little more eye candy. i might keep posting more as i shoot...
  8. silentstoner

    Hydro Closet Grow

    Started harvest tonight and clipping. can tell its going to be a long night.. fat fucking buds is all i gotta say.
  9. silentstoner

    First grow, 3 white widow, Soil cabinet grow.

    hah first hydro store trip is always fun. but that sucks about your shit. harvesting tonight. and made the final decision on new strains. Lemon Skunk and Super Silver Haze.
  10. silentstoner

    Hydro Closet Grow

    Thanks really good to know. harvesting tonight and shooting some sick bud shots. I'm a photographer in my other day life haha so I'm going to shoot them tonight.
  11. silentstoner

    Hydro Closet Grow

    whoops.. so I was in the grow room right now and it was past the time when the timer for the lights should have been shut off and I couldn't figure out why. turns out either yesterday or the day before I had gone into the room like 15mins before it was lights on and turned the timer switch to...
  12. silentstoner

    Hydro Closet Grow

    looking good. leaves are starting to yellow. I just flushed out the system on sunday so theres clean ph balanced water right now for the next 2 weeks till i harvest. I can tell that the buds keep putting on weight if I dont pay attention for a couple days at a time. temps are staying a...
  13. silentstoner

    Hydro Closet Grow

    im surprised i have this much bud for only having 150W HPS plus the two 42W CFL's. going to be flushing out the water next week and counting down to harvest.
  14. silentstoner

    Hydro Closet Grow

    i didnt end up switching them out. I ended up buying a quart of the DYNA-GRO Bloom.. i didnt really want to but it was the only size there was and i was completely out of nutes
  15. silentstoner

    Hydro Closet Grow

    View My Video
  16. silentstoner

    Hydro Closet Grow

    heres an update on the 5th week of flower. almost there. have to run the hydro store pretty soon for some more nutrients. I'm all out. any suggestions on if it would be a good or bad idea to switch the nutrients to a new brand? im on Dyna-Gro (Bloom) and i want to go to General Hydroponics. advice?
  17. silentstoner

    PC planter stealth grow. First time.

    yea i was gonna ask about this. ONLY because I have experienced this before. the fridge created WAY more heat than light. I can show you the pics and everything of my set up. unless you have air cooled lights or a really good heat exchange it might be too hot still. I had heat issues and I was...
  18. silentstoner

    Hydro Closet Grow

    what up doooooood! right on with the grow. hit me up and ill come check it out and shit. yea i was planing on having my new seeds by now so i could harvest for 4/20 too. I was gonna do some super lemon haze. you know what your gonna grow yet? and as for your hydro set up, are you doing a...
  19. silentstoner

    Hydro Closet Grow

    note really an update but I was pretty happy about getting this new shirt today and thought I'd share :]