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  1. Bud Lightyear

    Welcome New Members!

    hey toneitdown if you´re stateside then it´s pretty much all illegal. if you move to spain you are allowed upto 3 trees get yourself some white rhino if it´s for medicinal purposes. that´s the bad-boy that´ll sort you out in no time it´s pretty strong though, so be careful!
  2. Bud Lightyear

    Welcome New Members!

    I´m new myself Green000 but from what I gather you need to develop a pretty decent root system 1st in order for the babies to be able to deal with all the work cut out for them later. Spose it would be a bit like feeding a newborn child burgers and fries from day 1. I know you can get them up to...
  3. Bud Lightyear

    Seeds Vs Clones

    Like the Comment, Puff. "Everything grows and ripens at same rate" Just the answer I was looking for For a newbie like myself I will need that. Thanks a lot From clone to harvest of Great White Shark. Any ideas on times of veg then flowering? I haven´t even began to think about nutrients and...
  4. Bud Lightyear

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi Guys, I am just logging in for the first time and thought it would be nice to see who´s about and to introduce myself. I´m definately not a seasoned Pro and will be seeking some help in setting up my first grow room in loving memory of my Fiance, who tragically died a couple of month ago...