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  1. I

    Male to Female hermi...Apollo 11, should I keep it? Breed it?

    I've got an Apollo11 plant that's been VERY weird from the start. It was growing from seed along with a few others and when it showed preflowers (VERY male) it just kept flowering. Male flowers just started streaming out all an autoflower. Everyone else is still vegging along in...
  2. I

    Yield sufferage from pollination...?

    How much is my yield going to suffer if I open pollinate my girls with a lone male in the middle? Leave him there for a week of flowering to get everyone nice and covered. Does it matter WHEN I pollinate? Will the buds keep adding new flowers as the fertilized flowers make seeds? Or does...
  3. I

    My Second Grow-SOG-Barneys LSD,Dutch Passion Blueberry,White Widow...

    Anyone got a quick smoke report on Barney's LSD? I've got 2 that I just put into 12/12 yesterday and I'm curious as to what some recent growers have to say about it. We've probably got seeds from the same batch...I bought mine in Sep/Oct. Is it all it's described to be?
  4. I

    2 week old plant, Growing to fast?

    Just wait out there where you "found the plant" and ask the guy who grew it what king it was...I'm sure he'll e happy to tell you anything you want to know... Don't rip other peoples plants... Take a branch if you have to...but don't take it all...
  5. I

    Best 400 Watt Bulb to use for vegging?

    I'm using that CMH bulb now... "I" like the light...a very nice white light... I'll let you know how the plants like it when I'm done. I had a problem...frozen plants...and they're stunted. I just started another batch of seeds inside, so, I'll have a better idea of how good it is. Most...
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    Ohh no my germinated seeds dried out!

    That's why I NEVER go the paper towel route... Soak the seeds overnight with a small piece of paper towel on top to weight them down and keep them underwater...then straight to the pot with nice moist medium...
  7. I

    help finding an HPS bulb....

    You'll never find one...they don't exist...they don't go that high. They're usually well under 4000k. You can put a CONVERSION MH bulb in there at 6000K or thereabouts...if my memory is correct today.
  8. I

    Growing for insomnia? - help me fix my life

    Grow whatever you want...just let it go a LONG time. If it's a 60 day strain let it go 120...or until ALL the trich's are DARK. One hit and you'll be asleep within the hour... It's like taking a barbiturate...pure sleepy time...
  9. I

    Im Fucked!

    You can always drop the whole thing into a bucket of will live...I've done it. I have no temp control and can't DWC. You MUST keep the temp in the water 70 degrees. If you can't, you can't'll keep having problems. Good luck...
  10. I

    help! plants droopin

    Yes...overwatered...they should be reaching for the sky...not drooping.
  11. I


    I think you're in over your head... FIRST grow and you're going for DWC? Why not a pot of soil? It's MUCH easier...
  12. I

    How long does it take for the seeds to sprout?

    I'd say you should have seen it by now if it had already "popped" before you planted it. I personally don't like planting AFTER the root shows. I soak in water over night and then plant it...before it pops. I hope they come up...good luck.
  13. I

    Barneys Farm LSD and Red Dragon Grow

    I've got some LSD going too! Though mine got off to a horrible start...they almost froze to death! I didn't have my new grow area ready yet and they got frosted...stopped them in their tracks for a couple of weeks. They're a month and a week old...with just 4 sets of leaves! I've got them...
  14. I

    hps or metal halide?

    There is also ceramic metal halide...I just got one, I'll let you know how well it works. It looks impressive to me...let's see what the plants think.