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  1. T

    Determinating Sex!!

    H There, I have two plants that have been under 3 T5 lights (150 watts) for around a month. They are around a foot tall. I have been running the lights for 24hrs. I would now like to determinate the sex of the plants before cloning. Can I switch the lighting for a couple of weeks on 12/12 to...
  2. T

    Attic Setup ??

    One more thing. I will be using clones so depending on the height my question is that when I switch over to the flowering stage after I have determind the height do they still grow taller during that phase? IE. 2' tall switch to flowering and by harvest they are 4'?
  3. T

    Attic Setup ??

    Correct it vents out the soffit. The space is hard to discribe picture a triangle where the bottom is 8' wide and the top will narrow out at 2'. I'm thing 6' deep three trusses. And the hieght at the highest point in the middle of course is around 6'.
  4. T

    Attic Setup ??

    Hi There, I have a triangler space of approx 8' w at bottom X 6' h X 24" at top in my attic. I live in a colder climate with winter just around the corner where temp's can drop to minus 20 in Jan/Feb. I will be constructing the space with plywood and insulation with Mylar on the interior. I have...