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  1. drice420

    Experiment. No veg, clones from flowering.

    Day 7 roots start to show on about 30 of the clones.
  2. drice420

    Experiment. No veg, clones from flowering.

    Sorry for the very late update but I ran into a series of snags. Due to lack of humidity (30% RH) Many of the clones dried up. The winter brought very dry air along. Only 13 out of 44 survived. They all rooted but it took longer then usual. Cant say whether it was because of the humidity or not...
  3. drice420

    Experiment. No veg, clones from flowering.

    Well, here is a little update. A few of the Clones died. I do not believe it was due to the fact that they were taken of a flowering plant but rather that the stems were to deep in the water of the bubble cloner. I have a little over 30 left of the 44 I took. It is day 9 and not one is...
  4. drice420

    Experiment. No veg, clones from flowering.

    Quick update All the clones that I took from flowering are looking great.
  5. drice420

    Experiment. No veg, clones from flowering.

    Well I got off my lazy ass and took some pictures today. Here is one of how the grow tent looks like. There are a few plants there just for the look :). Here are some pictures of the clones I took today and put in one of the cloner bubbler. It seems that I might not be able to fill the...
  6. drice420

    Experiment. No veg, clones from flowering.

    Sorry you guys but I wasn't able to get around to the cloning today. Will do it tomorrow and will take pictures of the whole thing then. PurpleRhoniceros: I plan not to take mine later then 12 days into flowering, even thought it has been 14 days by tomorrow. As I see it the first two weeks in...
  7. drice420

    Experiment. No veg, clones from flowering.

    Will take pictures today. I got a few plants in the tent that have been flowering for 13 days now and I intend to take clones of them today. I will then follow up on those clones as they go through the whole process. Like lotsOweed said, I am not going to do veg. The pros of not vegging: 1. I...
  8. drice420

    Experiment. No veg, clones from flowering.

    Well this time I'm changing my system once again. This time I am going with brainstorm (or so I'm told). 2,4 * 1,2m grow tent. 3x 600w extraoutput lamps. 3x Aeroflo20 for a total of 60 plants. Flowering time is 7 weeks and I will clone my plants after 7-12 days of flowering. I will...
  9. drice420

    building a bubbleponics and stuck...

    You need at least a 1000L pump or many pumps equivalent to 1000L. 30 gal is big though and I've never gone over 50L bubblers but in them I used 600-800L and it worked fine. As for airstones; never been a problem for me. Just the fact that the water is moving is making it aerated. So it might...
  10. drice420

    My bubble cloner

    I do not adjust my PH at all. But if I would I would have it at 5,9-6,5. The PH should not affect it at all because they are not collecting nutrition from the water. I don't add anything to the water but you can add some liquid cloning solution. But it would not have that much affect I think...
  11. drice420

    Yields People!? I want to know YIELDS - per plant, size of plant, final age, strain -

    You can get a gram per watt but it might not be the best way to do it. A 600w light gives you more lumen per watt then a 1000w. A 600w gives about 95.000 and 1000w gives 140.000 You would probably get a better gram per watt ratio with a 600w light but in the end you would get more bud with...
  12. drice420

    My bubble cloner

    Thanks to both of you I'm gonna start a "how to" about my whole growing setup soon, I'll make a good DIY there. There was a great link on Cannaversity I had bookmarked but it seems to have gone missing. Anyway there nothing to it really. All you need is: Material: A container + lid Neoprene...
  13. drice420

    My first homemade AERO, ran into trouble

    Ran into the solution quick after this post. For those who have had similar problems: I could take the sprayer apart and clean it. All it took was a pair of pliers.
  14. drice420

    My bubble cloner

    I always had trouble cloning. At first I had a sativa which was impossible to clone. I had about 10% success rate at best. I tried to clone in soil, move to hydro and tried to clone in rock wool, and placed them into a humidity dome. I changes the strain and my success went up. With the new...
  15. drice420

    My first homemade AERO, ran into trouble

    Been using pre-made Aero/NFT for flowering and decided to make my own dual container aero for vegetation. It seemed to work really well at first but now, only one day later, 80% of all the sprayers are clogged. I'm using 360° low pressure sprayers (should I be using high pressure?). I solved...
  16. drice420

    Top 44

    25g per plant withered. But that is way above my batting avr and there wore other strains in there too. My avr is 15g per plant.
  17. drice420

    how long to flush? hydro..

    I'm growing in a aero / Nft and 7-10 Days have always worked fine for me. Have heard that 2-3 days flushing in hydro should be okay but I've never tried that. The leaves should get yellow and you should remove them as they do. You are allowing the plant to absorb stored up nutrients out of...
  18. drice420

    led or mh and hps

    From my personal grow experience. I grew one harvest with 6 LEDs. It was terrible. The buds were not nearly as big or dense as with a HPS. Now I am only guessing here but I would say you need at least 4x 90w leds to compare to a 600w HPS (mayb even more). At least I'm never going back to LEDs...
  19. drice420

    perpetual soil grow. first serious grow. some questions

    First thing first. Make paragraphs, by doing so it is easier for people to read what you wrote. Other wise people are hesitant of even reading it. You could put it like this: "Hello. I am new here and if this is the wrong forum for this I apologize. I have some questions that I hope I could...
  20. drice420

    Tips of leaves starting to turn yellow on 1 of 2 plants

    Looks like your over reacting. They are still very small. Over watering does not cause yellowing of the leaves. What could cause this is deficiency or heat/bleach from the bulb. Ether way I would w8 for a new leaf set before taking any drastic measures. Some times my clones get 1 little yellow...