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  1. S

    Making Vape Juice From Wax Extracts

    So I'm trying to make some juice for vape pens and I need a recipe that's strong enough. I found a few that are made with glycerin but i did not come out kind of weak. I heard you can make vape juice by melting wax and mixing it with warm glycerin. I tried this as well but the wax wouldn't mix...
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    Were my blunt rollers at

    It's been a minute since I rolled an L (blunt). Oh the memories... There's nothing like holding it between your finger tips and taking a nice long drag. I think I may have to roll one up right now... Garcia Y Vega please!
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    Looking for experienced LED growers.

    I have to agree with Clyde as well. I'm vegging with LEDs but not flowering. I guess I'm not flowering with them for two reasons: 1.) I don't trust it 100% just yet with my buds and 2.) I just don't have enough to really get the level of penetration needed. I scrog all of my crops so...
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    Sterling Haze's Real Flowering Time???

    I'm getting some conflicting info about how many weeks it takes to flower Sterling Haze from Nitrvana/Sative Seeds (not sure which is the actual breeder). Many sites say "11 weeks or fewer" and "11-13 weeks". There's quite a bit of difference there... not to mention that some growers have said...
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    Snow White... How do I know when to Harvest???

    So I'm flowering 5 SWs and I don't know what week or day I'm on because, yes I'm a newbie and I didn't make a note of the day I began flowering. Anyway, I already harvested 2 plants because most of the hairs had already turned brown. Now I have 3 more that appear to be growing slowly, trics...
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    A question for the Scroggers...

    5 plants, 1 HPS, 1 Metal Halide, 1 cfl, Bat Guano, Bone Meal and I'm not sure about the temp.
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    A question for the Scroggers...

    So I started a Snow White scrog about 4 weeks ago but I think I may have winged the scrog technique a little. Basically as the plants reached the screen began weaving them in and out of the screen. But now I have a bunch of buds that are all the same size but they're all pretty small and the...
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    ok can anyone answer this

    I usually mist my soil as i'm transplanting so the roots will have an easier time finding their way through. If you moisten the soil now maybe you should just put a little. If not, just wait a day or two til it dries out some and water. It'll be fine.
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    Loer buds need light

    probably better off just getting some lights down there. or you could always scrog it...
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    A very risky grow

    i like the operation you got going. i wouldn't say anything, just keep on growing until they really become noticeable. i do like the leaves/flowers in disguise ideas though. good luck!
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    tiny white spots and brown area (pictures attached)

    i'm veggin a blackjack right no and it's tall as hell and really healthy looking. unfortunately it's my ony one and it might be a male. oh well... good luck.
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    I love my life because..................(no cliché shit)

    i get to toke everyday!
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    Thirsy or not???

    yeah your boy sounds thirsty but you do owe him a blunt. sorry man...
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    A MUST READ! For all new growers.

    Thanks anyway Natures. I'm a newbie so i appreciate the effort. don't think i can wait 2 months to cure... but the just seems like a general "rule of thumb". things also change depending on the strain... thx
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    world of seeds bank

    hey, i know it was a while ago but did 420 did you ever wind up getting anything from World of Seeds? I'm a couple of weeks into veg with Kilimanjaro and it's coming along nicely. Just wondering...
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    Pyrethrum or Permethrin???

    I have soil gnats (fungus gnats) buzzing around the tops of some of my plants and the bottom of my grow area. I've tried spraying them with a couple of things but nothing seems to work. I read that Pyrethrum is basically one of the best things to use to get rid of most bugs without harming the...
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    Six Strains, Same Problems

    So I started my first grow about a month ago with 5 Snow White (fem) from Nirvana. I also have 1 Kilimanjaro, 1 Great White Shark, 1 Alaskan Ice, 1 Hawaiian Snow and 1 Strawberry Haze (all fem :-P) that I started later but their catching up to Snow White fast. I realize I shouldn't have...
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    Pics of My 2nd Harvest..Cali. Orange Bud

    I know that was a minute ago but your 1st and 2nd harvests look great! I'm getting ready to harvest my 1st orange bud (and 1st bud period) and it looks nothing like yours. It grew nicely, but the buds just aren't fat... somewhat dismal.