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  1. Rascality Afoot

    Trichrome maturing question

    Should be all good then.
  2. Rascality Afoot

    Trichrome maturing question

    You probably won't get cold purple in 3-4 days at 60. If you really wanna try though, maybe build a blanket fort around them while you watch tv. Other than that, the extra hour in the morning won't make much of a difference. Hit them with some ice water too when the room is cold. Might increase...
  3. Rascality Afoot

    Before harvest problem! plz help asap :P

    Also, which monster revived this? It's over a month old. This dude is probably smoking this already
  4. Rascality Afoot

    Before harvest problem! plz help asap :P

    K dude, your post is super google translate style, but here goes. Sorry it turned into a debate about weather or not to flush, AGAIN. If you've flushed the soil of nutrients and it is close to harvest, both of those things cause leaves to change colour. Your plants are fine and will give you...
  5. Rascality Afoot

    Human Ashes in Grow Medium

    Sorry for the slow response! Yes, the cannabis was shared among people who knew him, and also gifted to strangers when it seemed appropriate. The homie liked meeting new people. He certainly made his way around this fall...
  6. Rascality Afoot

    Need help identifying leaf problem

    Also, "safer" is a great product for this situation. It breaks down in 10 days, so you'll have time to apply it a couple of times before you approach your harvest window. And again, don't panic! If I had to pick a pest to have, it'd be thrips. They don't mess with the buds, and they're fairly...
  7. Rascality Afoot

    Need help identifying leaf problem

    At 41 days? Don't panic man! Like I said, they don't get involved with the buds. Just the leaves. They probably won't be able to do much damage before you harvest. I'd go with the fly paper to get the adults. Should slow them down enough to get you through to harvest. If your growing a...
  8. Rascality Afoot

    Burned seedlings. HELP

    Avoid adding anything to them. The K-L-N rooting hormone is better for clones and transplanting. Your seedlings need only water for now. Maybe start a very light feeding in a week. Stop messing with them. You ever lose a girl when you were a kid, and you just wanted to fix the situation, and so...
  9. Rascality Afoot

    I need some help figuring out the best Plant Training Techniques

    I like 'em all. Anything to get a nice even canopy and open up the inside of the plant without pruning. Remember, ever leaf you prune is a leaf that isn't working toward your harvest. My all time favorite, if you have the time for it, is screen training, or ScrOG as it's known.
  10. Rascality Afoot

    Need help identifying leaf problem

    I'm going to agree with Ace Yonder on this one. There's a bunch of decent products out there to kill the bastards. Depending on what stage of growth you're on you can go with potassium soaps in early flower, pyrethrins in veg, and if your coming up on harvest you can just leave em. They won't...
  11. Rascality Afoot

    Mirrors to reflect sunlight on my outside grow ( Reflected to underside of leafs )

    The mirror, while not as reflective as white paint or mylar, will be easier to clean and will still reflect more light than nothing at all. That, and it'll look classy as f**k. Picture it. All these people hatin' on your mirror are just jealous of your shine. Also, you'll be able to check for...
  12. Rascality Afoot

    Ethanol Oil Inactive?

    So I recently made some oil from 95% Ethanol/ 5% iso. It's not the usual denatured alcohol, I checked the MSDS. I figured it'd be much easier to purge the 5% iso than the 4% water/ whatever else in grain alcohol. I made some crude 3-bag bubble hash, and used the inferior bottom bag hash as...
  13. Rascality Afoot

    powerdy mildew

    Rough bruh. There are products that use other organisms that feed on the mildew. They are safe to spray until harvest and don't effect the flavour. You have to keep spraying though, and the moisture from that in turn promotes mildew, so it's a band-aid solution, and will not prevent the mildew...
  14. Rascality Afoot

    Hey there! Noob here, first grow. Having trouble and lots of questions.

    Don't bother with the light. If there are more than 15hrs a day of sunlight right now, you should be fine. The plant will grow until the end of the summer when it starts flowering. Until then, I wouldn't even worry about moving it to get all the sun. That's only important once the plant starts...
  15. Rascality Afoot

    powerdy mildew

    Damn man. PM is so the worst. I think you're best to play it safe and cull the plant. PM lives within the plant and so it will keep coming back and spreading. There are ways to cure it, but even then it's just a maybe. I've never had it spread to plants that are treated properly with Neem. I...
  16. Rascality Afoot

    10" Inline Fan Sufficient for Indoor BHO Extraction ?

    If you want to avoid contaminates, just throw a cloth over your collection dish and make sure it doesn't sag. The butane will still escape
  17. Rascality Afoot

    Drying in high humidity?

    Here's what ya do: Pull the buds off the main stem, trim all the fan leaves off. Let them dry in your tent as you planned for a couple of days. Then add a desiccant product meant for garages or stored cars. Should be like $10. Seal the grow tent and use the fan to create a very turbulent...
  18. Rascality Afoot

    Calyx 's... Right?

    Yeah bruh!
  19. Rascality Afoot

    Hey there! Noob here, first grow. Having trouble and lots of questions.

    Hey man! You're in Argentina. If I'm not mistaken, It's spring there. You should be able to have the plant outside!. Depending on how much light it's getting it may have been trying to flower for the last couple of months, but then got kicked back into Veg now that the days are getting longer. I...
  20. Rascality Afoot

    Need help asap!!!

    I kind of feel like that seedling looks fine. It's hard to tell by that photo. When you water make sure to thoroughly drench the soil. As long as your pots have drain holes, you can't over-water with OF. Those lil' oval leaves are called Cotyledons. They are part of the plant's embryo within the...