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  1. D

    Starting inside then moving out

    As an afterthougt, I thought I would attempt to answer a couple of your page 1 questions. Transplanting up will create a more efficient use of your soil and container, and thus your watering frequency and nute usage. By stepping your container up (solo cup to 1G, 1G to 3G, 3G to 10G ect...)...
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    Starting inside then moving out

    I just started a thread that sounds alot like this one. I am assuming you are putting them out for a spring harvest? I am very interested in this topic as I am trying to determine the best photoperiod to veg my ladies untill this summer, when I can put them out into the greenhouse. Personally I...
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    I seriously appreciate your help. Yeah, I agree that using a veg photoperiod close to what will...

    I seriously appreciate your help. Yeah, I agree that using a veg photoperiod close to what will be occuring naturally at "set out" will be the least stressful and if going full term, the most productive. My only concern is having the predominately indica ladies starting to flower early due to a...
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    hi tje22 Thanks for checking out my thread about indoor start for greenhouse season. Do you have...

    hi tje22 Thanks for checking out my thread about indoor start for greenhouse season. Do you have experience with this method or does it just sound appropriate to use a lightcycle approximating that outdoor day length during "set out" time? I am still confused as to which method is better as the...
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    Hey doublejj, thanks for visiting my thread about indoor to greenhouse, if you could stop by...

    Hey doublejj, thanks for visiting my thread about indoor to greenhouse, if you could stop by again I would be greatful as I have a couple of questions regarding your style and how it may apply to my setup. I really appreciate your advice and guidance and would be lying if I said your pics from...
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    Help To Start Greenhouse Crop Indoors?

    Thanks for the input fellas. Doublejj, wow, very impressive system. My question after skimming your 2010 grow, for anyone with an opinion is, do you simply cut lights off at the solstice? I am worried that although natural light is diminishing at this point I still have a 15 hour day. I feel...
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    Help To Start Greenhouse Crop Indoors?

    Indoor start for High Tunnel Grow. Emerald Rectangle. Elevation 8000’, Lattitude 38.5 N. I am beginning a grow for the 2011 outdoor/greenhouse season, and am in search of some much needed advice. I am coming out of the basement and need some help with adapting an indoor start to a...