Are you having any luck getting newbies to quit wasting money?
You people buying ANs sub-par nutes need to listen to UB.
Jacks or Dyna-gro are where it's at.
Give Dr. Paul a $4.20 donation to show your support leading up to April 20th.
The $4.20 on 4/20 Movement for Ron Paul
The 420 Message
Cool sites about sending a message to politicians who support legalizing Cannabis.
For the price of a Big Mac, it can make a difference.
You'd have to be retarded not to see the similarities to the US she is talking about.
25 Signs That The Nazification Of America Is Almost Complete
February 16, 2012...
You mean a year and a half ago when my sister best friend's boyfriends stole a cola from 1 plant? Not 'plants', a bud. You obviously have no clue about horticulture. You just parrot others with no clue and other myths here. Nice avatar. My first plant did a lot better than that. Jacks...
Yep, I have learned from you. I'm glad I answered like you did. I did chuckle when I realized you just answered too.
Cramming 8 into a 3'x17" and also topping with a 3' ceiling is not a good idea to IMHO. Fitting 3 in that footprint is pushing it.
The answers are in here, most of them a dozen times.
1. a week, or more IMO. 2. see 1. 3. you could I guess, but I never grow 12/12 from seed. 4. Same hormonal response
8 plants in a 3'x17" sound full to me. They spread wider by his method, but a bit shorter. I'd be doing 2 or 3.
The GOP is showing some voter fraud. Wonder who'll end up resigning in Maine, like NV & Iowa...
By under 200, and some votes not counted for a dusting of snow.
Ron Paul will win the most delegates out of Maine tonight.
In fact, he will probably even win the beauty contest Straw Poll the media has already called for Mitt Romney even before all the votes have been tallied.
It's all about airflow. If intake is moving to exhaust fast enough then temp can't build up. Not sure if I quickly explained that. Intake from floor near the concrete is better too.
Also I run at night during the summer. It helps too.
It's in my signature.
Not sure. Usually an...