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  1. S

    My Plant is Into Bondage...

    looks good to me.... the yellowing you saw initially was partly due to the over ferts that you mentionned and combined with the fact that you are using the bonsai technique... these two factors combined put alot of stress on your hopefully its a female..... ooops shhhhh edit: oh...
  2. S

    Welcome New Members!

    um yeah im new here lol.... even though i joined in oct 2006 lol.... anyway i have a question how to a post without replying to a prvious post... or is that even possible.... and dont comment on my user name.... i am not getting into a fight.... i am not law enforcement and if i was.... i would...
  3. S

    Is Afghan Kush Really Worth This Much?

    why lock it when we can keep it going.... man that ksuh is good i havent been here in ages... lol king kush looks good to me (from greenhouse seed co)