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  1. Reefer Gladness

    Music To Get Stoned To

    My favorite: Putamayo. It's different and weird and great when you are high!
  2. Reefer Gladness

    10 plants 10 males, life sucks

    I feel for ya man....just got done with my first grow and came up with only 8 makes out of 32....odds are in your favor for the next grow
  3. Reefer Gladness

    Extreme Makeover: Home Edition

    It's the show that they build houses for families that need it. Pretty sappy, but heart warming. It has been 4 weeks in a row that I have noticed 4:20, I'm ruling out coincidence.
  4. Reefer Gladness

    Extreme Makeover: Home Edition

    If you ever watch this show, have you noticed that they show the time 4:20 at some point in the show? It's on Sunday nights (ABC, I think!) and for the last 3 weeks they have shown it. Is this a coincidence or do we have a bunch of stoners doing the editing? Has anyone else noticed? Makes me...
  5. Reefer Gladness

    pot and pregnancy

    I have a friend who threw up everyday when she was pregnant, putting her in the hospital a few times for dehydration. A little pot cookie could have put an end to that stress. She never did it but I think that would have been safer for her and the baby in the long run if she could keep down her...
  6. Reefer Gladness

    Operation Green Sweep

    Is April 20th a good day to start "planting"?!!
  7. Reefer Gladness

    Operation Green Sweep

    I received this in an email recently. I know its is kinda long, but its worth the read. We should all think about doing this. High, everyone. I've been receiving some interesting letters in the mail lately..... perhaps some of you also receive them?, perhaps one of you, is the author,.. it...