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  1. ColdNHungry

    Anybody more experienced recognize this pretty readily?

    Thanks so much. Per your suggestion, I just researched Black Spot Disease and it fits perfectly. Within a couple days of transplanting outside, we had a soaking day & a half rain. I have a rain gauge that showed almost two inches. Everything stay soaked for the better part of a week. That...
  2. ColdNHungry

    Anybody more experienced recognize this pretty readily?

    This is a Nirvana Blackjack outdoor plant. Germinated 4/22, vegged indoors to about 10" @20/4 light cycle. Moved outside very healthy about 14 days ago. This is within about 3 feet of where I had a tremendously successful Bubblicious plant tended to harvest last year. I think I only fed it...
  3. ColdNHungry

    6 Weeks in Flower. How Much Longer?

    Check the trichromes' coloring every day. A fairly decent jeweler's loop helps. Mine is 30x & got it off Ebay cheap. They will go clear, to milky then to amber. Depending on the strain you've got going, you can actually influence your buzz by watching the trichromes closely. Harvesting just...
  4. ColdNHungry

    I was positive she was female. Now???

    Thanks. I feel much better. Indeed I do need a lot of work. You can read and read. You can look at pictures. But nothing substitutes for just doing it. I'm not experienced, but I hope I'm also not stupid. Things are lookin up.
  5. ColdNHungry

    I was positive she was female. Now???

    I am an extreme newbie. I got some nice Bubblicious seeds last spring, started only a couple, transplanted outdoors and all went great. As the days have been getting shorter, I watched them very carefully. One developed the prettiest, most distinct white hairs at the nodes so I was convinced she...