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  1. krydbom

    CO2 boost bucket reviews

    Yes growing in soil for many years before trying hydro and actually checking my ph levels.. Or knowing what they were even! I'm not sure why you would assume I'd lie lol Also why are you so against any co2 bag or bucket? Did you try them and have bad results? There would not be more than 5...
  2. krydbom

    CO2 boost bucket reviews

    True pro? His comment was very rude, I'm just trying to show people what I use and alternative solutions. Do the math!! $20 for 50 days? I get at least 150 days for $50 (oh and your gas and time making it to the welding store) true pro ha
  3. krydbom

    CO2 boost bucket reviews

    These are what I use: For the price I couldn't not try it, and I like them. For me with a room of only 4x4 these are great...
  4. krydbom

    CO2 boost bucket reviews

    It's been a while for me on RIU! I hope everyone is well I've been growing for over 5 years without any Co2 supplement. I finally decided to do some testing and add Co2 to my grow room - my overall yields have went up by 10-20%, this is no shit! Trust me I weigh the product :) I prefer the...
  5. krydbom

    Just Made Honey Oil For The First

    What type of butane did you use? Lets get a poll going of what people like to use and think provides the highest quality oil. I think Vector and Power 5 are trustful brands that provide great quality every time.
  6. krydbom

    Looking for Investors/ Help with new business

    Thanks for the comments everyone, I really do appreciate all the help! More and more updates are coming to the website, keep checking back.
  7. krydbom

    Looking for Investors/ Help with new business

    I appreciate the support brotha! That was a pretty hard bash; some people don't understand the time and hard work it has taken but that's ok :) just gotta keep truckin
  8. krydbom

    Looking for Investors/ Help with new business

    Thanks Uncle Sam, both styles have their pro's and con's for sure.
  9. krydbom

    Looking for Investors/ Help with new business

    How does the site blow? Maybe try giving me your ideas to make it better than?
  10. krydbom

    Looking for Investors/ Help with new business

    Hey guys, Thanks for the comments, I have changed the background of the site so it is easier to read.
  11. krydbom

    Looking for Investors/ Help with new business

    Drg0nzo, If you were browsing on Internet Explorer check out the website again and let me know if the problem was solved. Thanks
  12. krydbom

    Looking for Investors/ Help with new business

    I'm not exactly sure what you mean Frostyy, PM me if you want to chat further. Thanks
  13. krydbom

    Nice Vape

    I like the Vapir No2 it is a portable vaproizer similar to the Iolite, it's brand new for 2010 and only costs around $150. PM me if you are interested.
  14. krydbom

    Looking for Investors/ Help with new business

    Thanks Frostyy, After 7 months I am finally approaching the last stages of development for the company and website. I am super excited to start advertising and promoting K Hydro Systems. Any help is appreciated! Thank you
  15. krydbom

    Burned top leaves with cfl bulb

    Looks like nitrogen deficiency, try more vegetation nutrients.
  16. krydbom

    Getting started in stocks/trading/forex/whatever

    Watch Krammer and educate yourself before you ever trade.
  17. krydbom

    Looking for Investors/ Help with new business

    Bajafox, Glad to here that! I will make sure to hook you up and throw in some free things :) Have a great day, peace.
  18. krydbom

    Looking for Investors/ Help with new business

    Hey Goshox78, For some reason you are not aloud to receive private messages. Please email me at Thanks
  19. krydbom

    why are they so small?

    When you are using a compact florescent bulb like that you want to have it very close to the top of your plant. Try 2-3 inches away to give them more light.
  20. krydbom

    DWC Tub question

    I would not recommend using paint, use black light proof tape it's cheap and made to lock light out!