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  1. wbyakko

    First grow. 2 x 400w, mystery bagseed. YAY!

    those r some sexy lookin bitches!!! did u do any kind of pruning or topping to ur girls while they were vegging? and i finally figured out how 2 subscribe!:clap: subd AND i found this great FAQ website! it has every answer to every question you could ever have. real talk...
  2. wbyakko

    First grow. 2 x 400w, mystery bagseed. YAY!

    yea bro, if ur getting that good glacier water from the tap and it has hardly any metals in it, ur girls are prolly experincing nute lock (i think thats an actual term). first test the pH of your soil and then adjust the pH of your water/nute mix (always adjust the pH of your water after you add...
  3. wbyakko

    First grow. 2 x 400w, mystery bagseed. YAY!

    hey crazee i just started reading your log... its frikn awesome!! got alot of really good ideas for my grow setup... i definately think that your low ph is causing those problems for your girls. baking soda can be used as ph up, and vinegar can be used as ph down... dillute them in water, i...