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  1. X

    Yellowing leaves : /

    they're like 2-4 inches above the plant atm, what do you mean by stretched?
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    Noob question don't laugh

    ok cool thanks, so flush the plant, and will the seeds I planted even sprout out of hyponex? or should I just germinate new seeds and get different soil? I'm sure I have more around the house/shed.
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    Noob question don't laugh

    Ok simple question that I haven't found a direct answer for after extensive searches on this sight and on google... Can I use hyponex potting soil as a medium? without mixing anything, and without doing anything to it. (hyponex is a brand name) Thanks! also if you have a free moment and...
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    Botom leaves yellow with brown tips **PICS**

    my bottom leaves have a similar issue but are curling down, instead of up. Any cure? or just wait until they die and break? Thanks
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    P.s. been 3 days since potting and not a single plant has sprouted. the soil is very light colored and thick with lots of rocks and other things. Should I keep waiting to see if they do sprout or just start over with new soil? and after how many days should I see the saplings? My last plant...
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    Yellowing leaves : /

    bump for answers. Got worse within the last couple days, only affecting the bottom pair of leaves but still quite nerve racking.
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    Grow Closet Help

    thanks for the help, I plan on starting to get to work this weekend. In the mean time before pictures and more info is up please look at this for a second if you have time. I'm worried about my eldest plant. thanks...
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    Music and Plants

    Would trance be a good genre to play for my girls? I listen to Tiesto's Club Life podcast every week (as well as a state of trance) and I have a huge collection of trance. I could understand why they would NOT like it since they don't like hip hop, but at the same time trance has such a wide...
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    Does anyone use Hyponex potting soil? I got a bag from a friend who stopped after his first grow because he wasn't impressed with his time invested:yield ratio. I planted 3 seeds with it and the soil itself seems extremely dense and doesn't seem like it would allow proper drainage. Almost like...
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    Yellowing leaves : /

    on all of my plants now I've seen yellowing and drying of the leaves, it was affecting mainly my 2 smaller plants, but I just saw it starting on my bigger plant. The bigger one is just starting its flowering state and I'm afraid to cut the contaminated leaf off because I've read not to cut the...
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    Grow Closet Help

    Thanks, I have not heard that but it makes sense, and so I guess hydro is what I'll do for the closet.
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    Grow Closet Help

    Toyota that's a DANK setup. I have a hydro system, but my first grow is natural potting soil with little nutes/fertilizers/bulb booster. I would have to check the hydroponics to see how many plants it would work with, but I don't mind doing soil either. Whatever is easiest with the fastest...
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    Grow Closet Help

    Hey guys, I recently finished my stealthy PC box and started my first few days of flowering on my first grow. I built the stealth PC box because I was still living with my parents while they found a place, almost immediately after finished the box, they said they had found a place and would be...
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    Noob Stealth Growbox

    ok just some quick updates; I added another CFL to the top part of the side wall, horizontally, above the fan. I also transplanted the plant that looks the best (the one in the close-up) to an even bigger pot. I' very tight on space so this is only temporary, hopefully I'll go to home depot...
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    Noob Stealth Growbox

    Would target have plain light sockets that plug into the wall/a timer/multi socket converters? I could use all three, especially if I make a seperate box for flowering.
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    Noob Stealth Growbox

    I found a box of lights in my basement that are 100w bulbs, they aren't CFLs though, but they say full spectrum and put out 1000+ lumens, should I put one of these in the PC box which is going to be for flowering?
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    Noob Stealth Growbox

    haha awesome thanks, my budget is tight but luckily I have some target giftcards and my birthday is around the corner :D
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    Noob Stealth Growbox

    What about a flood light from the top? I have one but I don't know how I'd mount it yet / what socket it could go in.
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    Noob Stealth Growbox

    awesome Idea. I started with tin foil on the inside but It burned the leaves, got over 90 degress F in there. Would white paint and black outside still be ok temperature wise? P.s. Also should I paint the outside white, then black over? or white inside and black outside?
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    Noob Stealth Growbox

    I have a bigger fan that's pretty much already wired that I could pop in, I don't know how I'd mount it to circulate, but I could mount it to cool. Are more CFLs good? Or should I used different types of bulbs?