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  1. M

    I need every single opinion on cloning machinesand what vessel to use!

    I have currently marketed a aeroponic cloner on my web page. I would love to expand my products but I just cant find proper container, vessel's, tubs, etc... that are water tight enough to build multiple site cloners. The current bucket set up I am selling is nice...
  2. M

    Im sold I bought two of these and they are nice!
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    LEDers HELp! my plant changed color? wtf!

    Well I can tell you that anything but green inst good. Perhaps try to introduce a cfl of some kind to round out the spectrum. I also know that you need red and blue spectrum of light with led's for them to be effective. A 600 watt led sounds like a expensive investment. Is it a super-nova? If so...
  4. M

    Humboldt County's Own???

    Well I have used all 3. First of all and most effective is Gravity. It seems to work a bit better in hydro then in soil but it does what it is supposed to...harden the buds! I have seen about a 15% increase in yield and over all quality of the flowers using gravity as its recommended. Bush...
  5. M

    Harvest co2 form water heater?

    I have gained a wealth of knowledge just by opening this thread and I thank you all so much for being involved with this. I have ultimately decided to not vent off of the HWH due to my lack of experience and motoring hardware. However this has so far been a proven method by another member here...
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    Dust Mold

    Foliar spray with a kelp / water mix and increase your air flow.
  7. M

    how long does hash oil last?

    I do know that it is light sensitive. Duno if that helps...keep it out of the light. Cool Temps
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    impress me for free glass

    I broke my right molar eating french fries from McDonalds. I went home in allot of pain just to realize it was too late at night for a dentist. I went to grab some smoke for my tooth and there was none. I decided to rez my pipe for a buzz (which I havent had to do for years...) and ended up...
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    2 week babies turn yellow and then become dry PLEASE HELP (pics inc)

    If you are not feeding them totally organic I would try to add some hydrogen peroxide to your watering solution. This will kill any unwanted molds or moss. The beneficial microbes will have no problem making a comeback. And yes I agree I think perhaps you may be watering them too much. What is...
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    Harvest co2 form water heater?

    After reading all night I have decided to first invest in a meter so I can read the actual amounts of co2 and co in the exhaust from my hot water heater. This would be the safest way to procede with this projest. Untill I can afford those exspensive meters I will do no modification. Even though...
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    Harvest co2 form water heater?

    Thank you all very much for the help. I think this will get me headed in the rite direction.
  12. M

    Harvest co2 form water heater?

    I was wondering if it is possible to safely harvest co2 from a natural gas burning hot water heater. Or even perhaps a natural gas burning furnace. I am assuming that there is carbon monoxide in the exhaust from these units because they are vented out side. However both are conveniently located...