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    Flowering from seed or Autoflowering plant?

    Thank you for your research! I can only grow during these 90 days but I have a solution for dry and cure. Btw I started some autoflowers( 6 AK, 3 Speed Devil, 6White Dwarf) 8 days ago... and 14/15 sprouted.
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    Flowering from seed or Autoflowering plant?

    Thank you very much. Could you suggest me other 2/3 autoflowering plants? Unfortunately i haven't a big choice of seeds :(
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    Flowering from seed or Autoflowering plant?

    I did some research: So you are saying autoflowering plants are better, right?
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    Flowering from seed or Autoflowering plant?

    Hi, i would like to have a suggestion from you. It is better to plant a normal seed then wait 10 days and switch to 12/12 or plant an autoflowering seed with 20/4. I have 90 days!
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    Problem With a Red Dragon

    So with more nutrient she would be ok? She will stop to eat the nutrients form the upper leaves and start to take it from the roots? p.s. It could be Nitrogen toxicity? Marijuana Plant Abuse says: Nitrogen Toxicity: Leaves are often dark green and in the early stages abundant with...
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    Problem With a Red Dragon

    Probably it is nute burn... but the ec was only 1.8 (1250ppm@0.7)
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    Problem With a Red Dragon

    Hi, i have one Red Dragon ( Barney's Farm) with some problems... She is under a 600w with cooltube in a 12 gallons dwc bubbler system. I fed her with lucas formula then i switched to ghe formula (3/2/1) and yesterday i change the reservoir with Ripen(4 ml per liter). I would like to know what...
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    Unable To Access Faq

    No, I have the same problem
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    Brown / Rust spots all over lower fan leaves

    I hope you could help me because i really dont' know what it is...
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    Brown / Rust spots all over lower fan leaves

    Boring Infos: -dwc setup -lucas formula -ph 6.0 -ec 1,0 Same problem: RUST SPOT I think it is cal mag def but my nutrient label say: FloraMicro: N 5% K 1,3% Ca 7% ...... FloraBloom: P 5% K 4% Mg 3% S 5%. I'm using Lucas Formula at half strenght: 4 ml M 8 ml B per gallons. I don't know...
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    Dwc with "petrol can"?

    So i understand you couldn't lift up the pot? I think to pour it in a bucket with a hole camp. I share with you my aero bubble BETA testing :roll: I don't need these clones,they are just a try... I don't think they will root because they stay in really cold place(63 F) but i...
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    Dwc with "petrol can"?

    Could you lift up/put up the 3 5/8 inch pot from the container? Without a lid this is the only method to check the roots.
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    Dwc with "petrol can"?

    Thank you all! i forgot to say that i used with great results adhesive paper for a aeroponic/bubbleponic cloner.(still in beta test :roll:) I tried to paint but the color didn't remain on the container. So i bought 2 adhesive paper, black and white, and put them on the container...first...
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    Dwc with "petrol can"?

    Hi! this is my first post and i hope to be useful! I read a lot and i was searching for an easy solution to make a dwc system. Do u like the idea to use this particular food/alimentary container (similar to petrol can)? I'll cut the handle and make a hole for one 3 inch pot. Pros...