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  1. R

    Attitude Seed Bank

    Yes they do. I just ordered so we'll see how long it takes.
  2. R

    needs info on AMS??

    I got the Light of Jah seeds from them. They arrived in 2 weeks along with the 20 free mystery seeds. I started them 6 weeks ago from seed and they are now over 2 ft tall and just started to 12/12. so far so good. I am in canada though so not sure about US delivery.
  3. R

    Timer did not go off!

    Thanks its my first grow and everything is going beautifully. Did not want to have it F'd up over something like that.
  4. R

    Timer did not go off!

    Noticed 2 hours too late that my timer did not shut off lights. Will this hurt? Should I resume the same 12/12 that I was on or should I push back turning lights back on 2 hours?
  5. R

    Timer did not go off!

    3 weeks into 12/12. Went to check in and saw that lights were still on 2 hours past normal dark time. Will this hurt? Should I turn on at normal time or wait 2 hours later to get back into schedule?
  6. R

    Move seedlings during the day?

    I have 4 plants in flower under 1000w hps. In a small closet I have a 125w cfl for seedlings and eventually veg. I was wondering if it would help if I put the seelings/veg into the flower room during the day and back under the cfl for night? My first grow. Any thoughts?
  7. R

    6" inline fan and carbon filter setup?

    The filter has to be inside. The fan can be outside. You want air to draw through the filter and be forced outside. If your filter is outside you will only filter the air outside. I've got a the 4x3 with the same filter and fan. I have everything inside, but had to make some bends to...
  8. R

    Light of Jah?

    I just planted some from amsterdam seeds. great shipping. received in 2 weeks.