Search results

  1. chronbudz

    Attitude, Sweet seeds Big Devil Auto!?!?

    Has anyone grown this strain? i am getting 20 reg auto's from attitude and i wanted to pick some big yielding autos that were fem. i dont need to have a height issue with my box:sad:. How tall would u say these girls get over 3ft?bongsmilie
  2. chronbudz

    Whats goin on man, ripster told me that your had some success with the auto ak-47 strain? can u...

    Whats goin on man, ripster told me that your had some success with the auto ak-47 strain? can u tell me a little about the grow? what nutes did u feed it? and the medium
  3. chronbudz

    My Bullies : How to get revenge?

    You could always duct tape a cucumber to your dryer and while you squat on it think about the good times you had.
  4. chronbudz

    How close to the edge are we ?

    i dont know what you just said man, but you blew my fuckin mind. I plan on saving all my hard earned cash in a safe... then ill move into a house built into a mountain side with a underground bunker. ill be havin so much guns up there i wish a nugga would try something stupid. After i learn...
  5. chronbudz

    need urgent advice on attitude

    i dont understand? did your whole school decide wether a girl or a boy was annoying, then you all decide that it is best to teach them a lesson by stripping them on the playground?! wtf is that doing/about?!?!?! or was it just you and a group of friends who would take turns being girls then made...
  6. chronbudz

    How do YOU use your prized grown refeer?

    i just got a new vaporizer, the Ez vape, it is a very nice high. you can only know if youve smoked one, but i also enjoy a nice bong hit, usually one with a perc or multiple ones
  7. chronbudz

    so was the gift card you used ok for international use? Visa makes a deluxe gift card that is...

    so was the gift card you used ok for international use? Visa makes a deluxe gift card that is registered worldwide, i think i am going with that card unless i get a debit card. Btw i am going to the hydro store today to get my lights and medium, maybe a fan or two and some Mylar (reflective...
  8. chronbudz

    Lowlife Automatic AK47 FEMINISED Autoflowering Hybrids

    22'' sounds about right although ive heard of some getting to 28''. I am planning on getting 5 femenised aswell along with AK-47xHindu Kush and AK-47xDiesel. you should let me know how yours turn out, how big is your area?
  9. chronbudz

    FIJI? ima get some deer park

    FIJI? ima get some deer park
  10. chronbudz

    My Bullies : How to get revenge?

    If you know which cars are theirs you can always put sugar in their gas tank, about 4 cups should be good, this will seize their engine and the car wont be worth dick.
  11. chronbudz

    CFL for Veg or MH

    To be honest i would most definitely go with the MH light. Weighing out the Pro's vs Cons the MH is going to put out more lumens and the better light spectrum needed for the veg state. Of course if you went to using the T5/cfl's you can still achieve the neccessary wave length needed for the...
  12. chronbudz

    What size cabinet should i build?

    I am in the beggining stages of my grow box, but not new to growing entirely. My last grow was done in a closet so i did not have to much planning. This time i have a 4ft long, 4 ft high, 2ft wide box. I am going for the auto's for the time being, i want to see what they can do. I also am...
  13. chronbudz

    Blue Mystic Grow Journal

    I have successfully grown and harvested a blue mystic, my first grow. I had it in a paint bucket using Hydroton for the medium. Even though it was in a hydro setup it only yielded a little over an oz. It was stunted from me changing light schedules due to different plants being in the area...
  14. chronbudz

    how do u water your plants? i am trying to get my pump and its cycles perfect. how many times a...

    how do u water your plants? i am trying to get my pump and its cycles perfect. how many times a day would you say after the plant is 1 week old
  15. chronbudz

    sup man whats goin on

    sup man whats goin on
  16. chronbudz

    Attitude, StuperSonic

    Has anyone had experience pollinating their female auto's in order to get more seeds?
  17. chronbudz

    Attitude, StuperSonic

    Well i settled on Sag's StuperSonic only becuz it supposedly it has the highest thc and biggest yield of the auto's. what would u suggest from lowryder or lowlife that is potent and a great yielder?
  18. chronbudz

    how does StuperSonic do indoors? under the correct lighting

    how does StuperSonic do indoors? under the correct lighting
  19. chronbudz

    Attitude, StuperSonic

    Ive been looking for the best auto flowering strain to start with and i have seen the light! Sagarmatha's StuporSonic, anyone have experience with his plant, or better yet how big can i expect it to get 28" or higher?
  20. chronbudz

    How is attitude?

    tru dat boo, thanks for making me feel better on this topic