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  1. Herbman Dank

    MTVs' 'Jersey Shore' = a disgrace against true and proud Italians. Like me!

    as much as this kills me too say it, drum roll please................. CALL THE COPS. i feel a little more dead inside. but other than that HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! your fucking hilarious bro hahahaha ily
  2. Herbman Dank

    14 Tons of Pot

    Ha. i seen this in the paper this morning lol it was in the Florida Today
  3. Herbman Dank

    14 Tons of Pot

    Fuck the d.e.a & fuck the feds.
  4. Herbman Dank

    Having a toke with mum and dad????

    Same :wall: they think its like murder or something.. lol
  5. Herbman Dank

    Having a toke with mum and dad????

    AHHAHAHAHAHA! so true hahaha
  6. Herbman Dank

    "Danking" Weed

    hahahah thats fucking sick man! first link too :bigjoint: Thats forums for you ;).
  7. Herbman Dank

    Music faded. it doesnt get any better than that am i right?

    oh shit i ment yeah im medical lol.. yeah fuck troll..
  8. Herbman Dank

    Music faded. it doesnt get any better than that am i right?

    ohhhhh, nope no medical here ;) i was saying i deal. but why? why dont RUI's post pictures of themselves? if it not safe or something?
  9. Herbman Dank

    Music faded. it doesnt get any better than that am i right?

    haha yeah that too:bigjoint: and yeah it is me. its a pretty old pic though.
  10. Herbman Dank

    Music faded. it doesnt get any better than that am i right?

    damn really? a cigarette right after a blunt is what i look forward too alot of the time :D
  11. Herbman Dank

    "Danking" Weed

    Yeah that wouldn't be good AT ALL....
  12. Herbman Dank

    "Danking" Weed

    ive heard of doing this before, never tried it. id like to know whats up too lol
  13. Herbman Dank

    Music faded. it doesnt get any better than that am i right?

    damn man that must be rough, sit back and take a toke. Shit will do the trick :bigjoint:
  14. Herbman Dank

    Music faded. it doesnt get any better than that am i right?

    Just sit back chillin listen to some gucci mane smokin a ciggerette ha foreal.
  15. Herbman Dank

    Wtf is wrong with me?!?!

    lol yeah pills to me is a high enhancer, i love smokin a fatty then crushin up some roxys the high is 10x better.. and ive experienced some weird ass shit like that before lol.. one time i was talking to my friend who i thought was sitting next to, i went on for like 20 minutes then realized...
  16. Herbman Dank

    Wtf is wrong with me?!?!

    wow does it really? lol i smoke a pack of ciggerettes a day everyone tells me to quit and shit and that it causes cancer but i jack off like once maybe twice a day lol
  17. Herbman Dank

    Wtf is wrong with me?!?!

    HAHA, i think your trippin on shrooms ;) haha nah but yeah i get the point. i experience it alot lol Little off topic but on pills, shit is impossible to pull of lol
  18. Herbman Dank

    Wangan Midnight...

    oh i know, i was agreeing with everything he was saying about Asians and there speed lol
  19. Herbman Dank

    Wangan Midnight...

    LMAOOOOOO. agreed.