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  1. S

    Euforia 6 DIY aero 6 soil 600w HPS

    Well, that's the end of Week 5 and Week 3 for them. 4" growth in a week on the 5wk, 6" growth in a week on the 3wk. Just noticed the first hairs turning on the 5wk Euforia and I look to have fixed the magnesium deficiency. Took no chances and flushed 'em with a 0.7 Ec mix of micro nutes...
  2. S

    Euforia 6 DIY aero 6 soil 600w HPS

    Looking good squire! I'm going to treat the magnesium problem today, it'll be interesting to see if it is indeed a magnesium problem. Gonna get all the micro-nutrients I need in preparation for the next grow. Will have to migrate to hydro food I would imagine if I'm using bubble pots...
  3. S

    Euforia 6 DIY aero 6 soil 600w HPS

    Looking good, much darker green than mine! I've been told that I should look at a possible Magnesium deficiency (which I'm rectifying today) and possible pH problem. What pH do you run at? Anyways, off to the hydro shop, need some stuff. Laterz...
  4. S

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    PH Problem? I've been ensuring the ph is 6.2 - is that not low enough? Going to my local garden centre today, will get epsom salts. My next grow is using bubble pots and passive hydro, so will the same problem occcur with clones? Cheers for feedback matey...:mrgreen:
  5. S

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Hi. I'm looking for some feedback on my first grow please. They're feminised Euforia, all from single seeded mother. I've got some fading on the main fan leaves on the 4wk ladies, dunno if this is normal? Anyway, here's some additional info regarding height etc; hope its of interest...
  6. S

    Euforia 6 DIY aero 6 soil 600w HPS

    :lol::lol::lol: I know you said you wanted some pictures so I've got some updated photo's. I've untied them all 'cos the main cola on the 28 Day Euforia are thickening up nicely I think, judge for yourself. I've got some fading on the main fan leaves on the 4wk ladies, dunno if this is...
  7. S

    Euforia 6 DIY aero 6 soil 600w HPS

    Here's some photo's covering last 2 weeks really. It's Week 5 start today so I'll get some new piccies 'cos they look a lot different now. Laterz....:weed:
  8. S

    Euforia 6 DIY aero 6 soil 600w HPS

    :clap: You can really tell the difference with the hydro! Looks like an extra weeks growth and they look a damn sight healthier too.:hump: I've got some photo's that I'll put up later, but I put 'em in flower too early really. :cry: I've read somewhere that they don't like being topped...
  9. S

    Euforia 6 DIY aero 6 soil 600w HPS

    I've got 4 Euforia on the go myself, so I'd be interested to see how you get on. I have 2 @ 4 weeks flower in coca, manual feed. I have 2 @ 2 weeks flower in coca, wick water feed (passive hydro). I also have a Blueberry that is 4 weeks flower, but that's a filler. I'm growing in...
  10. S


    Answered my question....eventually! :sleep: Don't top 'em....thanks for the info. Laterz....