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  1. M

    unidentified problem at 5wks flowering

    HomeGrown, please stop spamming my thread with this crap I'm not going to take the plant out, too risky I have taken a look at the trychomes and they are already starting to turn milky white, I think it's a matter of a few days until i harvest it Then i will take a photo of the roots and show...
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    unidentified problem at 5wks flowering

    i have flushed with ajusted PH water, yes
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    unidentified problem at 5wks flowering

    Don't bet your money that fast, you are WRONG. I do let it dry out, and i don't overwater I think the problem is that the plant was tilted, and when i moved it, it probably damaged some of the roots I think the damage happend earlier in the plant's life, because it seems to be...
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    unidentified problem at 5wks flowering

    anyway.... I tend to agree with canna here, Indy, i HAVE flushed them, that's when thing got worst But this doesn't seem like a normal natural fade, The dead leaves indicate another problem, also the droopy leaves I think this could be a root problem but as you said, nothing much to...
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    unidentified problem at 5wks flowering

    I'm using GHE One Part Grow & Bloom I used these w hydro before but now i use soil the PH is 6.5-7.0 I have plenty of air, except the cooltube, i have a CATA10 fan inserting air and another 80mm fam circulating, it should be more than enough... the temp is about 28 celsius and ~45% hum
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    unidentified problem at 5wks flowering

    thanks a lot for the answer, Canna! I know some leaves are supposed to die, but most of mine does I also know it's not as bad as razor said, but the question is if i keep feeding or just use plain water? I fed yesterday and gave it a little gro nute for N, just a bit The way i see it, i only...
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    unidentified problem at 5wks flowering

    btw, it keeps on flowering, it has not stopped, but i feel it could be bigger and healthier
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    unidentified problem at 5wks flowering

    I check for PH and EC regularly, i use a ready made soil w/o nutes i'll ul a photo soon
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    unidentified problem at 5wks flowering

    maybe i dameged the roots while flushing I moved it and as i said, she's a little slanted
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    unidentified problem at 5wks flowering

    I forgot to mention, this turned worst right after i flushed it, a couple of days ago maybe it's overwatering... you think it's that bad?
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    unidentified problem at 5wks flowering

    Hi guys! This is my first post here I think i have some kind of neut problem, but i can't seem to put my finger on it I have read every toubleshooter out there and i can't find my problem there I have a single Northern Lights plant in a closet w/ 600w HPS w/ cooltube, she's at day 43...