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  1. Ambrose Bierce

    POLL: Who would like to see a Nutrient Forum?

    Yes, Hobbes, We need to apply a methodical, scientific approach to this subject. If this has already been stated forgive... as I did not read the whole post. Let's prove to our people what we do or do not need to do to help or plant flower to its potential. Thanks! Bernal
  2. Ambrose Bierce

    21 hours of light 12 hours dark?

    The sex of the seed is predetermined prior to insemination. Period. At times the life of the plant is stressed to the point that it might hermaphrodite in order to save it's species; but this is a rare occasion. The bottom line is that the sex of the seed is predetermined. Period. Don't...
  3. Ambrose Bierce

    Hit it and look at it.

    Hit it and look at it.
  4. Ambrose Bierce

    21 hours of light 12 hours dark?

    I would veg and germinate with 20 hours light and 4 hours of darkness. Based on my research, 20 hours light is the max. that you will want to provide your flowers during initial growth. I would veg for (4weeks) under this regime. You have to give the plant a break. Don't give them 24...
  5. Ambrose Bierce

    SUPERthrive or Superjive?

    Hey Dave, Tapla has been banned from that forum for some reason. I know that he is at a new forum, but I can't find it. Ambrose.
  6. Ambrose Bierce

    The Best N-P-K

    You want a NPK ratio of 3-1-2. with micro-nutrients.. You don't need a bloom formula... Don't plan on growing strictly organic in containers. Please focus on aeration. Flowering depends on lighting not on nutrients. You don't need 1K to rock it! Max
  7. Ambrose Bierce

    The Professional...

    Hey Uncle Ben, Thanks for all of your advice! I have learned a lot based on your posts; and I greatly appreciate your experience and thoughts. I look forward to reciprocating and sharing my experiences in an effort to help our community become better growers. Warmest Regards, Ambrose