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  1. T

    Dead Roots?

    Hi All, quick question for you: Growing in a AG a LaBlanca (supposed) auto, and a Himalayan Blue Diesel. The HBD is a standard 10 week autoflower while the La Blanca is a different type of auto, roughly a 15 week plant. The HBD finished just as the LB went into full flower. My question is...
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    LA BLANCA ( White Widow x Snow White)

    Any chance for an update on these? Got one at 65 days, curious what to expect. Smoke report would be nice too.
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    White Russian Final Two Weeks: Question

    Got that info from the site I got the seeds from: "Auto White Russian will frost up most during the last few weeks of its life and 48 hours of darkness just prior to harvest will maximise this" -- Attitude Seeds Hell, if it's not true then that's cool, one less thing to consider, but I think...
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    White Russian Final Two Weeks: Question

    Thanks YMB. Link is dead but I'll find it thru a search.
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    White Russian Final Two Weeks: Question

    Thanks for all of the input guys! Much Appreciated.
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    White Russian Final Two Weeks: Question

    Hi All. Have a couple questions I’m hoping you can answer, but first some background: I have 2 Auto White Russians growing in an Aerogarden. They are both 57 days from seed (8 weeks), and have been flowering for 5 weeks. The 2 plants are very different from each other. One is short...
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    Optimum AG Water Temp?

    thanks for the quick respose. Removed the heat pad and the tank is down to 71, I didn't figure on the pump + lights heating the water. No need for heating pad after all!
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    Optimum AG Water Temp?

    I am just starting my first AG grow and was wondering what the optimal water temps are. My AG is in a cool basement, so I put a heating pad under it to keep it warm, the water temps are currently around 88 degrees, is this too hot? Where do I want the temp to be? Any help is appreciaited...