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  1. F

    this is for all my EXP. growers and the begginers might as well read too

    great post man. its unbelievable that so many people get pissed because your not running what they are or you have had different experiences with products than them. if it works for someone else its just fine. dont hate, it makes beginners feel like they cant ask what they want due to being...
  2. F

    useing final flush ?

    typically you want to run 2 gallons of water for every gallon of soil. i also flush with cold water to shock the roots so they stop taking up anything for a couple days. good luck
  3. F

    Bought new timer didn't shut off one week into flower

    i had it happen to me in the first week of my last grow. everything was fine. definetly had me stressed about herms. but it was only one day and didnt hurt anything
  4. F

    Pictures of KC36 plant - 6wks of flower + problem with plant

    looks awsome man. of course its gonna look dry w/out nutes plus flushing. nice job