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  1. D

    Browning leaves during flowering

    Thanks guys. Had mites about 6 months ago, but got rid of em. I'll snip and start fresh. I think it might be lack of nutrients, as I used the original potting soil and nothing more for this whole process. Is that a possibility? Ill bet its sad to see a sick plant, like seeing abused pets...
  2. D

    Browning leaves during flowering

    Thanks Natmoon. Didn't know there was any hope. So, what will happen to the buds when i put it back into Veg state for 3 weeks? Will they die? Rot? The hairs are already turning red. The trichomes (without a microscope) look pretty plump, too. Should I snip them off now? That is, when you say...
  3. D

    Browning leaves during flowering

    Hi. I have one plant i left on the patio for the summer. I know this is a more serious site, but I appreciate any advice you have for a novice. My plant is 14" and has been budding for 2 - 2.5 weeks. The leaves are turning reddish brown and the the buds that are there are looking ok, but...