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  1. ignited

    Why Legalization should be Stopped! (wait, hear me out!)

    i know everyone does not have the time to actually read the initiative, but if you had you would recognize there will be so much regulation that there will still be an underground industry. alcohol is legal yet it is completely illegal to make moonshine, which is made from corn. it is legal to...
  2. ignited

    recieved a clone need help!!!!

    just me little ole two cents.. looks like the plant it was taken from was showing sex, not flowering. congratulations, its a girl! :) no nutes. they will burn a youngling.
  3. ignited

    im stoned and goin on a rant

    i lurk on and dont post much. this conversation continuously occupies the airspace at friends houses, get togethers, parties, dinners, breakfast, etc. the original post touches more than one topic with the focus on legalization and the intricacy it brings with it. i see it many...
  4. ignited

    Legal advice...please help

    why was your friend jumped?
  5. ignited

    12k - Water and Air cooled (marine water cooled A/C units), Sealed room, C02, Lumatek

    fkukn sweet setup. in my area running the lights alone would cost at least $1500.00. whats the electric bill setting you back? (hope you dont mind my asking :) )
  6. ignited

    Geek growers?

    interesting footage. fascinating watching them.
  7. ignited

    spider mites

    i would not be spraying that late into flowering. that is my personal opinion. i prefer predator insects to kick ass instead of chems that late into flowering. i use a neem oil, einstein oil, (this is how i use it) within the first couple weeks of flowering via foliar feed. what did work for me...
  8. ignited

    DiY Proper Sealed Room need advice hope im not in the wrong thread if so I am sorry:)

    1. 440 cfm is not too much, in my opinion. target cfm would be 100 but given that the reflector your using is probably the 6 inch inlet and the available centrifugal fans for 6 inch has a 440 cfm rating. just saying we dont have many options when the reflector requires a specific size ducting...
  9. ignited

    White Spots On Leaves, PLEASE HELP!!

    i know, im pretty late to the party. but, my experience with leaves looking like that are rose slugs. there not true slugs. there larvae of fly species (many species in the world). the adults lay eggs between the leaf layers, and the larvae emerge to feed, leaving translucent streaks on the...
  10. ignited

    Veg room...? M.h. -or- h.p.s.....

    good question. i was wondering the same myself.
  11. ignited

    what causes this

    could be a genetic characteristic. check this out. the fifth one down is a northern lights female pollinated with skunk male.
  12. ignited

    2ND Grow, 400W HPS, just started flowering

    how long did you veg? if switched from veg to flower before pre-flowers appear it may have stressed the plant. the stress could cause peculiar growth, and plants might develop into hermaphrodites.