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  1. P

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    Was hoping to find some advice here. I have one female at day 19 of 12/12 , just random bagseed. so far there is only one preflower that showed 2 days ago, should i just scrap everything and start over? or will the plant pick up the pace eventually
  2. P

    noobie Q could use some help

    thanks for all the good info guys , that chart did put me at ease a little, i guess all i can do now is wait.
  3. P

    noobie Q could use some help

    thanks for comments, I would have gone fem but didnt have the cash when i started this op up. Im just worrying cuz they havent all shown yet.
  4. P

    noobie Q could use some help

    So this is sorta my first and a half grow, been lurking here for about 9 months. first grow I only started 3 seedlings :roll: dont know why, one died and got 2 males. so I dont have any exp dealing with flowering So this time 5 plants, all bagseed, vegged for 2 weeks, today is day 15 of 12/12...