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    30 pounds from 5 mothers?

    You can get 5000 lbs if the mother never dies and is well kept???
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    Help?! Hermy question

    no cam sorry. Thanks guys I will let them go. however these bananas I think I have them.... should I remove them from the tops of the colas. What do u think?
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    Help?! Hermy question

    ok so I have a friend who started out with 6 feminized seeds of Aurora Indica. He also had 12 Haze clones. He is at 6 1/2 weeks and the buds appear to be forming seeds...ahhhh!! I believe one of the AI Fem seeds is a hermy. Can a hermy pollinate other plants. If not any idea why my clones appear...
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    Watering question: I can't find the answer

    Thank you Dark Destruction. I am new to this internet stuff and was wondering what I was getting into after reading the "signature" Its all very clear ...I mean for now. Puff puff
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    Watering question: I can't find the answer

    Jimcity Hunh???
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    Watering question: I can't find the answer

    Moldy. I was reffering to go go ganja post #5 apparently I did that wrong or unclearly. I am a daily toker and was wondering about such a comment. I dare not refer to marijuana as a poison maybe a secret potion lol but not a poison.
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    Watering question: I can't find the answer

    I don't grow, smoke, or sell drugs. I'm just here to figure out why my father ruined my life abusing this poison we so commonly refer to as "Marijuana"! What does this mean?? You think Marijuana is poison?
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    Powdery Mildew Clones

    I have noticed indica's to be less likely to get the PM. I used a sulpher burner in veg and its seems to keep the mildew under control. Never use a sulpher burner during Bud! Years ago I grew a white rhino or so they said it was and also a Bigbud strain. The Rhino which was a heavy indica...
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    Growing out my Hermie for fun. 4 weeks into flowering now. lots of pics

    I was reading that feminized seeds come from hermies so try the seeds and they may all be females!! and...its all worth growing
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    few changes for 2010 outdoor grow-newbies take a look

    I read somewhere that if you have seeds that you are unsure of and want to make sure they will finish in time you put them out late like mid july to late july...if you can...then the rapid change of light from 24 hrs(indoors) to whatever the light is in July in Canada will force the plant to...
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    Aurora Indica Anyone Else Grow This?

    I have just started 4 weeks ago from seed (feminized) and was wondering if anyone else has grown it and if they were impressed? They are super strong looking with really large stocks. Any feed back would be cool. Thx
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    Brown lef spots ?? Pics attached

    Thanks...I am at 1100ppm I always thought 1600 and under was safe?? Could the other strain handle nutes better? Does it work that way? Thanks again
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    Brown lef spots ?? Pics attached

    Hi My first post...I have my plants in a hydro operation. I am getting a brown blight looking problem on the lower to middle older leafs. PH is 5.8 to 6.0 Using bloom and micro @ 1100PPM. Also there are some plants of a diff strain showing zero sign of the same problem in the exact same...