Search results

  1. P

    Hermie at 7.5weeks!

    I have faced similar dilemmas, and I think that the advice is different depending on what your goals are. If you want to produce grade A bud and don't mind waiting, or are planning on distributing to a picky crowd - eliminate all naners/plant with naners asap. Grade A bud never has seeds or lost...
  2. P

    Seed Banks in Canada?

    what about vancouver seed bank? they have an actual store = less likely to rip off, prices are average, they are helpful, so far i have only tried JOTI seeds with good results
  3. P

    Greetings from the Dirty mitten

    I don't know about the other brand, but lumatek has a good warranty and it has a built in component to reduce RF interference. Also many 1000W ballasts can be dimmed so that you can reduce the electric bill and still have options. Also another option is the Quantum T5 Badboy light setup for...
  4. P

    Canadain Growers Club

    yummy I have never heard of this orange mass stuff before this forum did you trim the bottom leaves off to make the top buds so big n uniform?
  5. P


    positive vibes to you are you yankee,canuck or other?
  6. P

    Canada growing penalty?

    good lawyer = no jail
  7. P


    no one deserves to be threatened with incarceration for gardening in my humble opinion but i have to admit that i laughed a little when i read the number 445. best of luck fighting "da man"
  8. P

    Boondock Saints I or II

    I LOVED number one and was so dissapointed by the second, actually turned it off, that blonde cop is anooooooying and in no way competes with william dafoe
  9. P

    How long do you give a clone to root before giving up?

    I just started cloning and the first time I did it 'perfectly' (sterilization, cutting on an angle, etc) with excellent results and the second time I lazed out and didn't use clean technique and I had a far lower success rate. What I am trying to say is that taking the time to do it right really...
  10. P

    Best Canadian Seed Bank

    I have been doing a bunch of research on 'Canadian' seed banks and here is what I have discovered (please correct me if you know differently) VSB is the only seed bank in western Canada, and one of maybe 2 or 3 in Canada, with an actual physical store that you can walk into and buy seeds from...
  11. P

    Canadain Growers Club

    Here is a cut and paste of the strain info that I gathered for Blue God, I hope that it shows up OK There is some conflicting/wide ranging info re: flowering times and yield due to the variety of information sources - mostly VSB webpage augmented with the Big Book of Buds and grow journals. I...
  12. P

    Canadain Growers Club

    hee hee yeah I remember when I was 20 in the Yukon an RCMP officer approached a group of us smoking a joint and asked who it belonged to, I volunteered to take the 'rap' and he was all like, 'I am going to put it down on your permanent record that you smoke marijuana' and I told him good, put...
  13. P

    Canadain Growers Club

    Here is some research that I did on Blue God and other strains. Not sure if it helps. This strain looks excellent - it was in our top 5 of seed strain choices after looking at all of the strains offered by VSB. Did you get those clones? How did it go? I don’t know if this attachment will work...
  14. P

    Canadain Growers Club

    purple kush right on, those seeds are hard to find on Vancouver Island these days - stinky, pretty buds good bag appeal. I have just been turned on to Kush but will try a hybrid purple kush x nukin to start because there's no purple kush seeds available from Vancouver Seed Bank. Have you found...
  15. P

    Canadain Growers Club

    PS you call people from the west coast of BC |haidas| in "hide us , hide us! theCanadiens are attacking!":mrgreen: ummmm huh?
  16. P

    Canadain Growers Club

    The Blue God strain from JOTI? Was it an indoor or outdoor grow? I have just spent the last week pouring over strain information, deciding what to buy, and I think that I have it narrowed down to Blue Sage from JOTI and Purple Nukush (Nuken x Purple Kush). Unfortunately there is almost no...
  17. P

    Canadain Growers Club

    I have found that the quality of the seeds is more dependant on the breeder than the supplier - ie Jordan of the Islands and Greenhouse Seed Co. have stable strains, Mighty Mite Hash not so good, etc.... From what I have read VSB is reasonable to deal with and they have an actual physical store...
  18. P

    Canadain Growers Club

    I have been looking for a Canadian forum for growers so kudos to you! Incidentally, I have been following some of your posts and have been impressed by your scientific approach (seems like you might have a science background) and then I was pleasantly surprised to find out that you started the...
  19. P

    Home Made Co2 Tutorial

    put the co2 bottles behind the fan so that the gas gets sucked thru the fan and spread all around for the planties
  20. P

    Welcome New Members!

    what is your budget? can you add more money to your setup investment as you go along? Do you have to buy seeds?