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    I hate West OZ Summer 42Deg c/107 Deg f

    when using an aircon, do you still use a strong exhaust ventilator or would that defeat the purpose, as it would be throwing outall that cool air....and sucking in or hot humid air... how exactly to vent a growroom when using an aircon? ( here in coasalbrazil 105 F and 80% humidity.... )
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    when using airconditioning have to seal the growroom?

    yeah , of course the airconditioning throws the hot air outside, but as far as i know the is no intake of fresh air, it just circulates the inside air, isnt it??
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    when using airconditioning have to seal the growroom?

    hi, cause of the high outside temperature and humidity I will have to use a air-conditioning in my grow room. How should I apply ventilation when using an air-conditioned? Do I still vent in air from outside or do I have to seal my grow room? Any help appreciated.
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    80% outside humidity- what to do?

    thanks for the reply. concerning setting up a dehumidifier, do i have to seal my growroom? do i keep venting fresh air form outside since it means introducing more humidity ?
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    80% outside humidity- what to do?

    Hi my friends, I have a humidity problem here and have lost a few plants to mold. I have been having a hard time to lower the humidity in my indoor growroom, As the average outside humidity here in Brazil is around 80%. Can it be done using fans only? Would an AC help? Or a dehumidifier...
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    Here to help... Ask me anything

    hi, i live on the coast and humidity is around 75% to 85% all year round. i have already lost several plants do to mold. i am considering getting a air-conditioning and dehumidifier. what is the best way to lower indoor humidity to 50% with such high outside humidity? thanks