Search results

  1. N

    2nd CFL grow, 4 strains

    Looking good man. I like your style. Are you constantly fighting thrips? I had a simmular setup last year and I was fighting thrips bigtime.
  2. N

    DR. GreenThumb seeds

    OGman Thanks for the heads up I was deffinitlly looking at that strain, the Iranian autoflowering female seed is very tempting. What kind of yeilds did you get from it, was it goodsmoke? Has anyone tried the Iranian G13? I've never ordered Female seeds from the Dr before but have grown regular...
  3. N

    DR. GreenThumb seeds

    I'm also a member at unleashdagreen and they bash the good Dr. plenty there, then again who likes compatition. I just want some good honest info about early outdoor beans that will grow at 50N in the prairies. I have ordered from the Dr befor and had great service and great smoke but 50N...
  4. N

    DR. GreenThumb seeds

    Nice to see the Dr. is getting some props there seems to be some haters out there. I would love to see some pics and details about peoples grows with Dr. Greenthumb geneics, the autoflowering Iranian intrests me a lot so some pics and expiriances would be nice.
  5. N

    DR. GreenThumb seeds

    I've had very good luck with Dr. Greenthumb but I do live in canada. People who say his strains can't be real must not understand how S1 seeds are made. The bad thing about his seeds is you cant breed with them if you want to breed you need the clone or the original seeds. As for the dipshit...
  6. N

    Heaths Flooded Tube Vertical

    Nice job mate.
  7. N

    Stealing electricity

    Most warehouses use HID lighting How is running 30 lights and paying for the electric suspicious? Now growing that much in a house you will have lots of other suspicious shit going down. Face it you dont know jack shit and are in over your head.