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    Cheap alternative to carbon filter??

    You could always check out this thread here. Very cheap carbon filter for smaller grows and if it doesn't completely mask the odor just install a second one. The OP of that thread claims he made his for $10 so that's a very cheap alternative to commercial filters.
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    LED debate!

    I have no prior experience to growing flora under artificial light of any kind let alone marijuana specifically, however I'll give my 2 cents based on what I know about the lighting systems (which is a bit since I did a research assignment on this a year and a half ago). I think LEDs have the...
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    My first outdoor grow

    This is to document my first grow and its progress. I am unaware of the strain of the plant nor does the friend who gave me the seed know but we've both smoked it before and agree that it's some really good bush. I was given these as seedlings so was unaware of the age until yesturday and at the...
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    Is this level of growth normal?

    Ahh thank you very much anomolies. I'm very prepared to invest and this has helped me out greatly +rep :D
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    Is this level of growth normal?

    I must admit I have been slack on researching nutes. I've bben too absorbed in seeing everyone else's awesome grows. As for the N-P-K of Seasol this is what the products website has to say; As I'm not a well-versed gardener I can't comment on the rating but the website claims this is low. My...
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    Is this level of growth normal?

    No I don't let it dry out, is this a bad thing? It's just normal garden soil, the nursery said it's great for growing plants and the rest of the garden seems to love it. As for light I would say it gets most of the day (about half hour after sunrise until about half an hour til sunset). Okay...
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    Is this level of growth normal?

    Hello my fellow tokers, I've been reading for a few weeks now and you guys seem like a very knowledgeable bunch of fellows. This is my first grow so I could be doing something wrong. I have put them in good soil, water them often (2 - 4 times a week ontop of rain) and feed them nutrients like...