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    Why plastic pots??? Do smart pots allow more air into the roots for better growth??
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    Do You Feed Everytime You Water with Soil as a Medium?

    Sorry for the late response. I'm sing Roots organic line with the Roots soil in smart pots under t5's. w/ro water filter,
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    In search for 24h hum/temp controller

    Thanks for the reply being a newbie and also green to forum etiquette i appreciate the info. There are a few dozen forums online RIU has very informed members that can articulate thoughts,pruceedures, experiences very well. Titan produces great products. I've checked into the Kronus 4, evc-2...
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    In search for 24h hum/temp controller

    For the Stomata to stay open and also maintain transpiration at prime levels for maximum plant growth the hum/temp difference between night and day levels require a consistent number. Difference 0-10F and 0-10%RH is within range, to maintain those numbers at as close to zero as possible a...
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    Brand/Type of good Temp/Hum day/night controller

    Thank you for the info I will check out that product line.
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    Brand/Type of good Temp/Hum day/night controller

    Looking at the evc-2 and the titan kronus 4. Do these devices require other components to facilitate operation? These type of devices appear to be straight forward when setting day/night controls and with regard to intake/exhaust and heating. What is the word?
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    Do You Feed Everytime You Water with Soil as a Medium?

    Rootz organic line.
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    Do You Feed Everytime You Water with Soil as a Medium?

    Rootz organic. There is info out supporting a weekly/bi weekly micro nute dose aids in nute uptake.
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    Do You Feed Everytime You Water with Soil as a Medium?

    That makes sense with the feeding the plant compared to feeding the soil. What is a reasonable schedule for micro nutes? Once a week? Funny I have that graph in my collection.
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    Do You Feed Everytime You Water with Soil as a Medium?

    How about raising the ph 0.1 daily for a week, remaining with in the necessary ph range, beginning again on monday to encourage better nute up take?
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    Do You Feed Everytime You Water with Soil as a Medium?

    Thank you. What is a good ph range for soil?
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    Do You Feed Everytime You Water with Soil as a Medium?

    Do not want nute-lock, is it necessary to feed every time you water? Have ph/ec/ppm tester, RO, 68-73F water, Rootz nutes.
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    Water Temp and Nutes Temp

    What is a good heater brand?
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    Water Temp and Nutes Temp

    1)When using RO water what is the best way to warm to temp? 2)Add nutes before or after warming of water?