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  1. B

    N.C Outdoor Grow 2011

    Yo goten, let's see some pics of the NL thats already in flower!
  2. B

    N.C Outdoor Grow 2011

    Yo goten, is this you? LOL!
  3. B

    N.C Outdoor Grow 2011

    Scrubbers are more efficient if the air is being pulled through the carbon, versus, pushed through. This is why you see the carbon scrubber inside the grow room, versus being up in the attic, etc. A decent squirrel cage or turbine fan will have the power to pressurize the air vs an inline duct...
  4. B

    N.C Outdoor Grow 2011

    I heard alot of trailor parks got fucked up yesterday from tornadoes. There have been alot of fatalities. Stay safe NC'ers!
  5. B

    Be weary of the TICKS! ! ! ! !

    I have to disagree with your claim about "BS" products. Keep in mind that the shoe was tested three weeks AFTER it was sprayed with the permethrin product. Also, the United States Armed Forces uses permethrin in field combat. Stay safe folks.
  6. B

    N.C Outdoor Grow 2011

    Yo goten, if you take down the fence, how will you keep the damn deers out???........... JK MAN :)
  7. B

    Regular Soil

    Amish Warrior: Using your native soil depends on the conditions. Some basic things that come to mind are: Soil PH, Nutrient Content, Soil Texture, and Water retention. Depending on your native soil quality, you could just plant directly into the soil. Some people have to excavate a good sized...
  8. B

    Homemade fertilizer?

    Compost tea or manure tea might be the cheapest. I've heard of people using diluted urine as a source of N, alot of your off the shelf fertilizers use N derived from urea. I'd recommend investing the 5 dollars into some cheap 10-10-10 fertilizer for veg. Just remember to start at 1/4...
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    Be weary of the TICKS! ! ! ! !

    Hey guys, we get ticks REAL bad here too. Check out this product you can get it from any outdoors / sporting goods store. It's called REPEL, the active ingredient is Permethrin and is more effective for ticks than DEET. You apply this to your clothes, tent, sleeping bag, boots, socks, gloves...
  10. B

    anybody aiming for certain yeild this year?

    I'm going for 10 lbs. I grow in a NON MED state, I supply a cancer patient and an Iraq veteran (plus myself and other friends :P)
  11. B

    N.C Outdoor Grow 2011

    Yo Goten.. I'm following your grow bro man. That first bug is a stink bug. The second looks like a june beetle, if they were IN your soil then they are still growing and immature. Some sevindust will keep all of the bugs away. On another note: Humboldt county and Mendicino in NorCal are...
  12. B

    Southerners Growing Thread

    South of the Mason-Dixon here. I'll grow an indoor strain outdoors, just because I can. REPRESENT!!!
  13. B

    N.C Outdoor Grow 2011

    Sup goten? how'd the LST fence work out? :grin::-D
  14. B

    N.C Outdoor Grow 2011

    Goten, whats up man. Your fence looks good. Gotta' keep them damn deers away. If you're just trying to keep the rabbits out that fence will do fine. But when it comes to deer, you need at least a 4ft high fence. Some people say to hang a bar of irish spring soap in an onion bag. Apparently the...
  15. B

    N.C Outdoor Grow 2011

    Yo goten, greetings from central NC. Your grow looks good. The red clay and rocks make it hard as hell to dig and grow. I dig holes 3ft around and 18 inches deep. Backfill with a home made potting soil mix and mulch over the top. Best luck on some giant nugs bro.
  16. B

    growing outside for the first time! w/pics

    They are in early flower.. They will reveg and produce giant bushes... The reason they flowered is because you started a little too early, no prob, they are still alive, just be prepared for about a month of reveg until you see a bunch of tiny branches coming out of the buds.