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  1. F

    Need tips for better growth

    My plant is about a foot tall now, i used the FIM method and now my two sides are growing up faster than growing out. can i just leave the lights lower instead of raising them every other day?
  2. F

    Need desperate help!!!

    If your setup has a chance in hell, you might want to switch to a large CFL like a 200w even then you should use a couple more than one. im using 4x150w bulbs in a pie plate, in my second shower lol and its about a foot high now, but took some time to get that far. my whole setup dirt and all...
  3. F

    whats the problem?

    thanks for the advice snowbird ill give that a try right now
  4. F

    whats the problem?

    this is the second time ive asked a question and i have read a couple of books but i dont have the practical experience, thats why its my first 420 chief. and ya im a newb askin questions in the newb forum
  5. F

    whats the problem?

    my birth leaves have turned yellow now and my pot leaves are green and coming in, but now the leaves are turning yellow with green veins is this a nutrient problem. An experienced grower told me to cut the birth leaves, so i did. am i fucked? also the real leaves aren't at their full size yet...
  6. F

    aqua globe

    well you have to get them wet so the roots can go thru but i figure if i soak it in nutrient water then it can only help........... right?
  7. F

    aqua globe

    my second idea is that i am using jiffy pots to avoid the stress of transplanting the drawback is that i have to soak the entire plant in my nutrient water before i bury it in the 10" pot do you think i will cause irreparable damage by doing this then not watering until its dry again?
  8. F

    aqua globe

    what are nute hot spots?
  9. F

    aqua globe

    Thanks, i forgot the first and most simple fact. "you're growing a damn weed" and the aqua globe would promote root rot.
  10. F

    aqua globe

    i am just about to start my first crop ever and on one of the plants im planning to use an aqua globe with the nutrients already in it. has anyone already done this? is it a bad idea? if not ill let you know in a few weeks