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  1. universaltourist

    want opinion on when to harvest

    i have to admit this is my first grow. at the beginning of the grow, the cfl's were placed too far from the plants, causing them to stretch significantly. at this point, they're hitting the ceiling of the 4 ft tall stealth box they're in. due to space and budget restrictions, these plants are...
  2. universaltourist

    want opinion on when to harvest

    really a month? i was told to wait until 60% of the trichs are amber. it seems that they're already around 10-20% amber
  3. universaltourist

    want opinion on when to harvest

    these girls have been under 12/12 for 7 weeks. please let me know how long i should wait before harvesting
  4. universaltourist

    Stealth Grow - plants stunted - need help! [PICS]

    yes, I was given the cuttings a week ago from a friend. they were already potted when I got them. they were in a closed box for about a day while being transported. any ideas on what i can do at this point?
  5. universaltourist

    Stealth Grow - plants stunted - need help! [PICS]

    Here is my stealth grow, its in a pretty enclosed space, temp stays around 88-91, i'm trying to get it humidified and keep it cool. Rel humidity is around 28% and ranges from that to 45%. Plant leaves are a little droopy, but one plant you can see in the pics is doing pretty well IMO. They were...
  6. universaltourist

    problem i can't figure out

    Lights are 10x 23w 5000K CFLs placed 1-3 inches from tops of plants. Only nutes they have seen since birth is the Miracle Grow they were originally potted in.
  7. universaltourist

    problem i can't figure out

    Hello, I recently moved my plants from one room to another for space constraint reasons. In the past week, they have begun to show what looks almost like rust on the leaves. After looking through some posts on plant problems, it seems that the symptoms my plants are showing are different from...