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  1. TheDurty

    Outdoor Desert Grow - It's Possible! (I hope)

    And just for good measure, I thought I'd put up a group shot of the whole family. Hopefully I'll start including some photos of the seedlings as they get bigger soon.
  2. TheDurty

    Outdoor Desert Grow - It's Possible! (I hope)

    You know I was just thinking about this. I was looking at this white paint that is made for roofing that they use out here. It's supposed to be really good at keeping heat out, but is a little pricey for the little I would actually need. Is white spray paint enough to keep the sun out and...
  3. TheDurty

    Outdoor Desert Grow - It's Possible! (I hope)

    As I mentioned in the OP, I have one strain growing that does not have a name associated with it. When I got this plant, it was just a seedling and was in old, already used soil that was incredibly packed down. Out of laziness I never transplanted this plant into some proper soil. As a result...
  4. TheDurty

    Outdoor Desert Grow - It's Possible! (I hope)

    So here is a photo from this morning of the Twilight plant. As you can see she is doing much better than before, but she is still only showing 5 finger leaves. Is this normal? Are there some strains that just don't produce the big fan leaves? This is about 35-40 days of vegging, and she...
  5. TheDurty

    Outdoor Desert Grow - It's Possible! (I hope)

    Thanks for the advice! I just created a second water bucket without any nutes, but the correct pH (which I am using anywhere between 6.5-7.0.) I was wondering if watering them everyday with the nute water would be too much feeding.
  6. TheDurty

    Outdoor Desert Grow - It's Possible! (I hope)

    Here is my Twilight plant. She is not doing nearly as well as St. Nick but has bounced back from some early nute burn. Here she is immediately after transplanting from a Solo cup to a 3 gallon pot. This is the plant about 6 days after the transplant. Just like the St. Nick...
  7. TheDurty

    Outdoor Desert Grow - It's Possible! (I hope)

    This is the St. Nick plant that I have going. This is by far the biggest plant of the bunch and has grown a lot in the last 3 weeks since I transplanted it from a Solo cup to a 3 gallon pot. On June 28, the plant measured about 6.5 inches. Now, on July 20, the plant is up to about 20...
  8. TheDurty

    Outdoor Desert Grow - It's Possible! (I hope)

    I've got a little garden growing out on the patio here in the Southern California where it is not uncommon to see 110+ days :fire:. I've got 7 plants and 5 different strains going right now at different stages of growth. All 7 plants were started from seed, 3 of them at the end of May /...