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  1. P

    Odd problem...Help?

    first off ur soil ph is way too high in my opinion. optimal PH range for soil is 6.3. cuz at that range of PH ur babies are getting all the nutrients they need and if u start gettin higher in ph or lower u start to lock certain nutes which eventually turns into a nute deficiency, but to correct...
  2. P

    help ! ! should i crop ? ?

    i would prolly take the hermies out of ur setup. if it was in soil in seperate pots i would have said different but too much of a risk and dont cut the surroundings just watch them with a eagle eye.
  3. P

    Heat or Nute-burn?

    i go with nute problem hands down
  4. P

    Any Suggestiions?

    yeah if u had a pic and named some symptoms i could definitly help yah cuz i have had every damn nute deficiency possible andnot proud of it lol
  5. P

    WTF is goin on?

    oh yeah almost forgot KICK THE MIRACLE GROW!!!!!! GO ORGANIC!!!!!!!!!! so much better smoke and they now have yield enhancers that are all organic WOOHOOOOOOOO! Advanced Nutrients all the way.
  6. P

    WTF is goin on?

    i always wait till my leaves start to droop a lil or the soil has pulled away from the pot and is dry then i know its time to water but if u wait to long after the droop they sadly look like urs in the pic. i have never overwatered just always forgot to water /facepalm but they look like they...