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  1. C

    Why hasnt my "white-widow" been turning out white-ish? (picture)

    but with that being said, im not bringing him any fucking sales. dipshit. people always bitch about his weed and i try to help and he tells me to fuck off. so fuck him, i have the knowledge now. ill do it right myself. when he comes crying to me ill be ready to say i told you so
  2. C

    Why hasnt my "white-widow" been turning out white-ish? (picture)

    i dont know what the fuck his deal is... i tried talking to him about it and he said he doesnt give a fuck what people think, yadya yadya fuck them ill harvest it when i want to. so i dono. might be a lost cause for the fucking idiot. i suppose ill do some myself.
  3. C

    Why hasnt my "white-widow" been turning out white-ish? (picture)

    I actually wish there was a way to print this whole thread just to proove to him i wasnt bullshitting. he's 53, im 20. he thinks im wrong because im younger than him. god damn... atleast with everyones help i was able to gain the right knowledge to teach him something
  4. C

    Why hasnt my "white-widow" been turning out white-ish? (picture)

    He got himself a 100x zoom magnifying glass with a focus. We'll be going by the trichs i can guarentee that. Looks like we've broke him, gentleman. im SO stoked. no more fucking 7 week harvest
  5. C

    Why hasnt my "white-widow" been turning out white-ish? (picture)

    he refuses to go longer than 8 weeks. he wants to harv so he can make room for the next clones coming in. but for my own knowledge I will keep the trichomes in mind. if i ever end up growing myself i want to make it as perfect as possible. so i really appreciate all the input. it sounds like...
  6. C

    Why hasnt my "white-widow" been turning out white-ish? (picture)

    uh bullshit white widow is fucking frosty as fuck when grown right and dried it appears almost like someone threw baby powder on your ganja your doing something wrong or you dont got the original ww or you dont have widow at all and its passing for that if i sent you a pic of ww that has been...
  7. C

    Why hasnt my "white-widow" been turning out white-ish? (picture)

    what happens if it goes too long? my friend was convinced that going over 7 weeks would be too long because it starts to rot. maybe if im able to give him a time that it will start to rot it'd ease his mind. i'll take a look at the tricomes when 8 weeks comes around though
  8. C

    Is when i harvest important?

    what i've learned is most plants flower for 8 weeks. it seems to depend on the strain
  9. C

    Why hasnt my "white-widow" been turning out white-ish? (picture)

    christ, were looking at ten weeks now? I'll see what I can do as far as that. I'm going to try to show him this thread.. see if he might be interested in 10 weeks. 8 weeks was really rtough tyo get him to agree on though hahahah thanks again for all the info. you guys are the shit :clap:
  10. C

    Why hasnt my "white-widow" been turning out white-ish? (picture)

    flushingt it by not using chemicals and whatnot right? he uses water towards the end, but all the chemicals were organic anyway. so it should work out. sounds like i finfally got him to let them go a full 8 weeks. jesus, that was like pulling teeth
  11. C

    Why hasnt my "white-widow" been turning out white-ish? (picture)

    Thannks statik. I'm still working on it. I'm trying to show him what you guys are saying but he still will only let them flower for 7 weeks. Stubborn bastard. How imparaitive is that extra week? The way I see it is there is a lot that I can get done in seven days, so I dont see why a plant...
  12. C

    Why hasnt my "white-widow" been turning out white-ish? (picture)

    Thankyou! Thats what I thought this whole time but all my friends have been bitching. Someone im helping refuses to let it flower for a full 8 weeks....and ive had some buddies say it was a little immature. Can that extra week from 7-8 weeks help? Is there any huge negative effects that may...
  13. C

    Why hasnt my "white-widow" been turning out white-ish? (picture)

    I've seen other buds that were a lot more crystally and lighter has some white to it also. here's a pic of my bud, i almost think when i bought "white widow" seeds, I didnt actually get that strain. Any ideas what I might be able to do or if you notice the strain, that'd be dope...