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  1. T

    Welcome New Members!

    I started growing at the beginning of the year, so I am fairly new to it. I have done my research though and I am sure with this site and my "Bible", I will do fine. Just posting to introduce myself and say hello to all. Keep on smokingbongsmilie
  2. T

    How Much Bud (indoor grow)

    Here are a couple of picks, so you can make better assumptions on the amount I might harvest. Also just to show off my plants :bigjoint:. Thanks again Keep on smoking bongsmilie
  3. T

    How Much Bud (indoor grow)

    I will get some pics on here tomorrow. Thank you all for your replies. I am hoping for at least 2 ounces per plant. So I think I will be all right. As for the ferts, I also have hesi and soil tabs. I am doing comparitive growing with the 3 different types. I will also let you all know how that...
  4. T

    How Much Bud (indoor grow)

    I am growing for my first time and I was wondering about how much bud I can expect to harest off of my first 2 plant? I know there are many factors to consider, so here are some of the specifics on my grow. Strain- Sadly unknown, but they are sativa Light- (vegetative growth) 400 watt Metal...