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  1. S

    Jet lag

    I just wanted to get it out there that weed really works well to adjust after jet lag. I've made a few transatlantic flights in the last few years and usually I would get deathly tired in the afternoon for two weeks after coming back...I knew I should stay up but i just couldn't help taking a...
  2. S

    My first real indica?

    I've never known what it is that I'm buying. I've read all the descriptions about indicas being more of a body stone, etc, and I read all the juicy descriptions of various flavors, but I don't really know. I just picked up a nugget at the bar and I think I finally know what indica is like...
  3. S

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    Thank you for doing this, sir. I'll admit I have not read all 159 pages, but I have some questions in my mind so I'm going to see if you are kind enough to answer them. I am an electrical idiot, and so far my growing is just in theory. 1. Relay idea. Is there such a thing as a relay that...