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  1. T

    Team Water Cooler - Jock Horror Feminized

    92 grams is my guess. Read through the whole thread, too bad you didn't catch the pH meter problem faster. Regardless,excellent job man! Let us know how the smoke is. Was surprised it finished that quickly.
  2. T

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    So I only had time to read through that first link about the Fert Program I, and a lot of the questions following it. But this is one of the big things I took away from it, and please correct me one way or the other: Assuming I have a well balanced soil composition and my plant is healthy, I...
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    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    I'll have some time tonight to read through some more information, so I bookmarked that subforum. I would definitely appreciate any links you found helpful! PM me perhaps? I plan to check up on the plants each morning before work. Then after I get home from work/class I will do whatever...
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    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    AHH, finally done. I've read through this whole thread straight for about 10 hours. I want to thank UB obviously, riddle, Dave, and jj too. Their ENDLESS patience is astounding. I am about 5 months late on getting my MMJ card but I finally have it in the works. I have never grown before, but...
  5. T

    Oregon medical perpetual grow?

    Thanks for all the input and suggestions! I read through all of Minitrees' journal, and DAMN. I think I'll probably be going down Minitrees' route. It would also be easier to focus on 4 plants the majority of the time as well, won't have to be stressing about multiple timetables and whatnot. To...
  6. T

    Oregon medical perpetual grow?

    So i should hopefully have my MMJ card as early as next week. I wont be able to setup a grow for a few months, so I am trying to figure a few things out. I've done my fair share of research, but still have a few questions. For anyone that doesn't know, Oregon allows up to 6 mature plants...