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  1. L

    Child Support Rant

    That's not right. >.>' Unless you own some sort of back child support or have to pay back welfare or some other service from when you didn't have the kids, but if you've always had the kids and such, then you shouldn't have to pay anything... you should be getting some money from their mother...
  2. L

    Child Support Rant

    I donno myself. Everything is always MY fault. I offered my daughter's dad every way out of paying child support I could, but he jsut kept saying that they couldn't make him pay... When he was yelling that I wouldn't let him see his child (which was untrue, just a way for him to try and...
  3. L


    wow Hi420. Calm down. A cop lives around the corner from me, the way the development i'm in is set up, I can actually see his cop car from my front door. Not too long ago a few punks broke in my Durango and stole my system and tools!! Cops don't pay attention, I swear. Like everyone else...
  4. L

    Child Support Rant

    Thx Ernie. I think I've pretteh much just given up... I'll be able to work in the next two months, so the way I see it is that if they want their money, they will have to do it on their own cause I'm out. As long as I'm not on their help... they can't make ME the bad guy anymore. But I thank...
  5. L

    Bye mary jane hello nutmeg

    Best of luck to you. I don't think I'd actually take nutmeg as a source to catch a buzz, but whatever works for you. I don't mind having to take breaks from weed. It's weird cause I can go weeks, months, years without smoking weed (I have in the past), but I can't even go more than 3 days...
  6. L


    I live in a small town, but about 2 hours away theres a big city that everyone gets the good stuff from. I've never personally bought any myself from there, but people tell me it's about $1,500 for a hp and $3,000 for a pound, but I think discounts are in there too, so it could be a lil less or...
  7. L

    'Ello Everyone

    Hello. :mrgreen: I can see why you fell in love with the place. It's starting to grow on me too. I usually avoid very active boards cause it's too much for me to keep up on, but I couldn't help but join here and try to be active.
  8. L

    passing an at home drug test

    Lol. I had a feeling someone was gonna point that out. >.>'
  9. L


    Toaster?? Works when you have nothing else.
  10. L

    passing an at home drug test

    The amount of time it takes for Marijuana to get out of your system depends on how fat of a person you are (cause THC is stored in your fat) and also how much you smoke. You say 1-4 blunts a day.. this is a pretteh nice amount and I'd say that if you're 180 pounds and most of that is fat, then...
  11. L

    'Ello Everyone

    Thx for the welcomes everyone and Vic, I guess I could be, never thought about it.. Lol. =P
  12. L

    passing an at home drug test

    I've failed drug tests and I've passed drug tests... none of which were taken at home. I would say that the advice suggested above is your best bet. Water does work, smokerE is right on that, but I don't think anyone could tell you how long it would take before the water 'hides' the evidence...
  13. L

    The worst day of my life!!!murder,and i know who id it

    Well, the good thing.... least she didn't turn you into the cops. >.>' Sure she ratted you out to the neighbors, but they aren't cops. I'd be careful though, incase one of your neighbors decided to turn you into the cops. Sorry for your loss. u.u'
  14. L

    Child Support Rant

    Good lord Ernie, you've went through a lot with this. Now I'm not saying that you're a bad guy... yes you made some mistakes that provoked this chain of events, but if the state ddin't wanna give you the change to clean up your act and/or jsut temp take your kids away, then I agree with you...
  15. L

    'Ello Everyone

    Wow, this is a really nice board. I did a google search and stumbled across this place and it seems like a wonderful board. I'm in need of some knowledge and I joined hoping to make a few friends along the way. So hello everyone!!