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  1. J

    LED T5 Stealth Tent Grow - Aeroponic - - Perpetual - Harvest Journal

    Nice grow MonkeyFonics! I was thinking about a tent grow and was just wonderring if i should use LED over HPS, so i went looking through the forums and i found this thread. Well thanks for taking the time to make this thread man +rep looking forawrd to more
  2. J

    Week 5 of bloom and barely any bud WTF ( plenty of pics )

    be patient, maybe give them some molasses next time you water..
  3. J

    check this sh*t out

    @OP: dont know if it would work because the hormones that enitiate flowering would flow thru both sides of the tree(?) But if you can get that built and growing I would love to hear your results with it!
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    Can This Get You High?

    Salvia is a very unique experience, trip lastin about 15 mins. My friend who has an somewhat oversized probiscus(nose) turned into a bird within minutes of my first puff.I treid growin some cuttings i bought online once but i phucked it up lols. I got all hard when I heard head shops were sellin...
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    I just bought this killer budd help me find out what strain it is!! PICS

    not a great photo but i have to agree, looks just like the GDP i picked up.
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    Good for Genital Conditions??

    @balzac89 no, why are u? Anyway, went to the doc today found out a bitch gave me the clap. So i got a shot and pills and im suposed to be cured now. Hope it works, and i am. Guess nobody had the balls to answer my Qs? but thats cool, cause it doesn't really matter to me now. Peace + Ganja...
  7. J

    Good for Genital Conditions??

    well thanks for replying, im probobly going to see my Doc this week.
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    Good for Genital Conditions??

    I suffer from recurring but as of yet, undiagnosed genital pain. What ever the cause, be it UTI or god forbid Herpes or what ever the hell it might be, My question is : Does marijuana help relieve such symptoms in affected peoples? Do you use MJ to treat genital complications such as those...
  9. J

    Can i get a yield estimate? OG KuSH

    If they all look like this one I would estimate about 1 blunt per plant x however many youu have:wink:
  10. J

    molasses for bud denser ?

    im really glad i found this thread, my plants are about 2-3 weeks in flower now. Thanks for all the insite guys, i will pick up some blackstrap next time i go out :) Good Luck and Happy Growing
  11. J

    First time growing ever. Well first time they are growing. MAZAR seeds and 1 unknown

    so how much light are u using Now, all together? they look healthy, lots of growth between nodes. keep us posted
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    plant refuses to sex...never seen one like it

    sounds like u got a ill set up and u studied ur shit bro. Looks like u need a MR Ganja to this thread
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    My Outdoor Garden-2010

    thats it i want to move to cali :] the sunshine, the ocean, the cannabis..
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    All stealth/pc growers READ!

    hellz yeah my niggle yes vote
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    Up to Date Photos of Your Girls!

    hey gnome grown ur a bonified weed magician! nice buds
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    47% of Tea Baggers dont pay federal taxes hypocrisy insues

    yeah i heard that one, accept for every time u say liberal replace it with conservative. in the end we are all a bunch of dumb hicks fighting with one another to no result. ie: (REPS)We have an anti gay agenda, but oh whats this another conservative politician comes outa the closet(unwillingly)...
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    47% of Tea Baggers dont pay federal taxes hypocrisy insues

    the biggest tool (and i mean that in every sense of the word) in the Republican arsenal is the ability to regurgitate and spew the same backasswords agenda that has been drilled into their psychi since birth.
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    American Citizens, what do you think?

    its all about perspective.. if u were muslim u may well be saying the SAME EXACT thing about musilm orgs. Oh and FYI u must be some kind of genius because i thought Right Wingers, not unlike yourself have been blocking pro cannabis legislation for the past 40 years and it was liberals who were...
  19. J

    1kw Scrog- Super lemon haze & diesel

    sweet!! im subd